Colorado City Stops Water Fluoridation Following Concerning Study

Snowmass, a skier’s paradise tucked into the Colorado Mountains, and part of Aspen, has decided to stop fluoridating its water. The news comes just after the latest groundbreaking study on water fluoridation concluded that there was zero relationship between water fluoridation and cavity prevention.
As Anthony Gucciardi shared with you on July 1st, the study incorporated years of research into a serious conclusion that could help activists remove fluoride from the water worldwide.
The sanitation district board members at Snowmass decided that ‘it wasn’t in the business of medicating’ its citizens, shortly after the federal government revised its recommendations regarding public-water fluoridation to lower the allowable levels. They recently voted to discontinue fluoridating the unincorporated city’s water even though a prominent member of the board was a dentist who did not vote in favor of halting the practice.
Ward Johnson has been practicing dentistry in Snowmass since 1992. He said:
“In my opinion, the only thing that has changed is we have toothpaste with fluoride now. Without systemically ingesting that fluoride, … you do not get the lifetime of benefit that you get when fluoride is in your enamel.”
Other countries around the world have found that water fluoridation does not positively affect dental carries, otherwise known as cavities. Though two-thirds of America suffers scientifically proven health risks associated to water fluoridation, there is ample evidence that this practice does nothing to help improve dental health.
In fact, water fluoridation can calcify the pineal gland, cause the thyroid gland to become underactive, interfere with important endocrine system functions (like regulating hormones), and cause neurological toxicity which lowers your IQ.
There is a reason the rest of the world doesn’t fluoridate the water. In a recent shift, the Supreme Court of Israel ruled that Israel must stop adding fluoride into public water supplies in one year, following a decision on fluoride’s potential toxicity to humans by the Israeli health minister.
Only 369 million of the world’s 7 billion people drink water that is purposefully fluoridated, yet the US ranks among the top countries that still fluoridates its water.
Dave Dawson, another member of Snowmass’ board said:
“Only recently have the studies been done on the effects of fluoride beyond your teeth. People can fluoridate if they wish. I don’t see it as our business to medicate the public.”
The district will immediately stop fluoridating their water following the board vote.
If you want to learn more about water fluoridation risks, you can look to the many articles discussing this topic at Natural Society and other great health resources.
Ah, yes….another little antifluoridationist website which has so little confidence in the nonsense it disseminates that it has to resort to censorship of the facts which contravene all of it…… I fully expected.
Truly comical.
Steven D. Slott, DDS
Fluoride is the main ingredient in many kinds of rat poisons, and people drink it. Regardless of how effective you think fluoride is, I never gave dentists my consent to fluoridate(medicate) my water. While you think it’s good for the teeth(which it’s not *cough* dental fluorosis), people are drinking this toxic, atomic bomb ingredient into their precious bodily organs — calcifying glands all over the body. So, while you may be an expert when it comes to discussing teeth, I highly doubt you are an expert at explaining how fluoride will affect internal organs and the body’s overall physiology.
One does not need to be an expert in order to understand how fluoride, or any other substance, will affect the “internal organs and the body’s overall physiology”. One only needs to be able to read and understand the peer-reviewed scientific literature. If dentists and MDs did not understand how to do this, they would not be licensed by state and federal government to prescribe the full range of drugs and medications.
1. Warfarin is the current active ingredient in many rat poisons. Warfarin, under the brand name “Coumadin” is prescribed to tens of millions of people with cardiovascular disease. Why do you suppose people are prescribed a rat poison to treat their illness and extend their lives? Think maybe because it is because the difference between safety and toxicity of any substance known to man, including plain water, is the concentration level?
2. I don’t “think” fluoride is effective in reducing dental decay, I know it is. Countless peer-reviewed scientific studies have clearly demonstrated this.
3. Dentists do not fluoridate your water. The water treatment specialists of the local public water system of your community do this, upon authorization from local officials who have jurisdiction over the contents of that system. These officials are not required to have your consent to do their jobs. This consent is conveyed through their election to office.
4. There is no medication involved in water fluoridation. There are simply fluoride ions, identical to those which have always existed in water.
5. The only dental fluorosis in any manner attributable to optimally fluoridated water, is mild to very mild, a barely detectable effect which causes no adverse effect on cosmetics, form, function, or health of teeth. As peer-reviewed science has demonstrated mildly fluorosed teeth to be more decay resistant, many consider this effect to not even be undesirable, much less adverse. The 2006 NRC Committee on Fluoride in Drinking Water considered mild dental fluorosis to not be an adverse effect.
6. The active ingredient in atom bombs is hydrogen. Plain water is two-thirds hydrogen. Do you have a problem with constantly consuming a substance of which two-thirds of its content is an “atom bomb ingredient”?
7. There is no valid, peer-reviewed scientific evidence that optimal level fluoride is toxic, or that it is “calcifying glands all over the body”.
Steven D. Slott, DDS
Regardless of how effective you think(“know”) fluoride is, I never gave my informed medical consent to have this “medicine” added to my water; I never gave permission for someone to administer fluoride to me for medical/dental purposes. Check out this video for a more accurate description as to the countless harms of water fluoridation from BBC’s own, award-winning Christopher Bryson:
Slott, you should disqualify yourself from this discussion. You’re just a frightened parrot.
My scientific opinion regarding the addition of toxic products such as fluride to drinking water is – its Fascism. The process is not about dental health but about dumbing down the debt slaves dumb enough to allow the 1% to take over.
This is a product I recomend: Ultrapure water from Irland :
Add fesh organic lemons and pop it in your fridge – your body will love it!
The argument FOR fluoride is for topical application, like toothpaste. Systemic ingestion of fluoride is harmful, and medication of the water supply without consent, or a license. The argument FOR fluoride is based on calcium fluoride, which occurs naturally, however, it is toxic industry waste complex of fluoride that is unlawfully disposed of in our water supply.
Yes and it seems that the only people who realize this is those who are probably not fluoridated and have a few functioning brain cells……..a rarity.
From what I have found out, that topical is only effective “en mass” at your dentist office with a concentrated application and is no longer effective after ones teeth mature. Around 16 – 22 years of age. Any fluoridation after that is just a waste of money and potentially harmful.
I’m sure the American Dental Association (Closed union shop – much like the AMA) will disagree with me. Same as they still tout that amalgam fillings are harmless.
Unfortunately, I am being censored in my attempt to post a very helpful link.
Do yourself a favor and do a search for:
steve slott machine
Sure, post whatever nonsense you please about me. The facts and evidence speak or themselves. Do you care to dispute any of those which I have provided, or just make comical attempts at diversion?
Steven D. Slott, DDS
I am more than happy to reveal what I’ve discovered about what/who you are, Steve Slott DDS:
Del Sharp says that Steve Slott is a “PROFESSIONAL PRO-FLUORIDE TROLL . . ” That is a complete lie! I’m guessing that it was brought about by Del’s paranoid delusions. Ok, Del. Show us all what you’ve discovered. Show me any evidence that Dr. Slott is being paid to confound internet conversations. (Professional means that he is getting paid for it . . Troll, in your sense of the word, is someone who purposely disrupts internet convos.) Del, you a liar. If you believe what you are saying you are disturbed.
Kevin, you are most definitely in need of help. Get some.
Steven D. Slott, DDS
Attacking someone’s character sounds like desperation tactics. Those who want fluoride can choose to medicate themselves (no thanks) but vested interests want to force it upon humanity.
As I recall, doctors galore with pretty little suffixes after their names were busy in the 1980’s telling me I should eat sizable quantities of oat bran. Just because a person has letters at the end of their name does not mean they know what they are talking about. It is possible that those who try to get doctorates must play the ‘political’ game and speak the correct ‘language’ of their chosen field.
What about the docs who pimped for cigarettes back in the day?
Some docs will pimp anything for money.
So disagreeing with the position of the dentist guild makes one crazy in you opinion. It is a good thing you are not psychiatrist.
I am sure the fluoride companies won’t lose any money. They just need to increase the amount that is put in RAT POISON (where it was used in the days before they decided to put it in our water).
Fluoride companies? It is my understanding that the fluoride that goes into the water is industrial waste. This arrangement saves these polluters from properly disposing of highly toxic waste for free, or even a profit, rather than having to pay to dispose of it properly.
Excellent exposé on slott.
So now “medicate” is a nice word for systematically poisoning people without their consent, or even awareness?
How nice of them to stop brain damaging your children…. When are the prosecutions going to start for those that supported and implemented this poisoning of millions of us?
You should take action to stop fluoridation where you live. Here’s how http://www.FluorideAction.Net/issues/health
There ARE studies done that say fluoride is safe for topical application, and THAT fluoride is very expensive. Guess what the cities are putting into your water supply??? NOT the same kind. You can check it out yourself. The cities put the CHEAP and poisonous kind into the water supply. Their should be class action suits brought. Lawyers??
Some Florida cities actually stopped the fluoridation process and their stupid county commissioners in Pinellas County voted the process back in!!!
Well, Del, I thought you said Dr. Slott was a “professional” troll. This smear by Matthews says that he isn’t getting paid. Is it possible that you are lying? . . Most definately.
Maybe it’s just that you’re stupid, del.
If ingesting is such a good idea why does every package of toothpaste contain dire warnings about ingesting it … as in, seek immediate medical attention???