Chuck Norris Calls Out Monsanto For Killing Food Supply

Chuck Norris has a special roundhouse kick with Monsanto’s name on it. Today, he has released a detailed article speaking out against Monsanto’s complete decimation of the food supply, from their health-crushing Roundup herbicide to their rampant genetically modified seeds that have infiltrated staple crops like corn, soy, and beets.
In the piece entitled ‘Chuck Norris raises red flag over Monsanto‘ and featured on World Net Daily, Norris speaks out plainly against the destructive force of Monsanto. Specifically, Norris highlights Monsanto’s use of glyphosate (used in Roundup) and its effects:
“…Monsanto began marketing glyphosate under the Roundup name in the 1970s, and it quickly became an industry standard. In 1997, its use tripled with the introduction of Monsanto’s Roundup Ready crops, plantings genetically modified to withstand glyphosate in order to enable farmers to use more of the herbicide in killing crop-threatening weeds. Glyphosate is sprayed on most of the corn and soybean crops in the United States, as well as over sugar beets, canola and other crops.
In 2007 alone, the agricultural sector applied between 180 million and 185 million pounds of glyphosate to crops in this country. The home and garden sector applied 5 million to 8 million pounds, and industry, commerce and government applied 13 million to 15 million pounds of glyphosate. It was the most widely used herbicide in U.S. agriculture and second-most widely used herbicide in the home and garden sector.
… The only real way you have of knowing whether glyphosate traces or residue is in the food you eat is if you grow it yourself or only buy products that are certified organic.
The EPA promised a completed preliminary risk assessment of glyphosate by the end of last year.”
It’s an amazing thing when public figures speak out plainly against Monsanto, because it shows just how far we have come in regards to spreading the word about Monsanto’s many attempts to root out independent farmers and dominate our food supply. It shows how grassroots action, and our campaign to the spread the word nationwide, is really quite effective.
Hats off to Chuck Norris for his latest piece that will no doubt turn many thousands of individuals onto the key subject of Monsanto’s Roundup and genetically modified seeds.
by Shelly Wilkinson –
Bt corn. What is it? It’s corn that’s genetically modified to have a natural bacterial toxin found in the soil inside the corn kernel. This Bt is meant to attack corn’s greatest predator – the corn rootworm. This worm attacks the roots of the corn plant, weakening and sometimes killing it.
The upshot? Engineering this pesticide inside the corn plant should make it so that less pesticide is sprayed on the plant, on the fields, and thereby be safer for the environment, for animal and human health.
The downside? It has just been found by a team of German scientists, that these Bt corn plants produce FOUR TIMES the pesticide that would be sprayed on a conventional corn field. They constantly produce the pesticide, 24-7. Also, just 9.4% of this internal pesticide is expressed in the roots, where it is “needed”. The rest is unutilized, unhelpful and probably harmful.
Movement of this pesticide into the soil has been shown by several laboratory studies. Also no one knows where the inserted gene goes into the plant. The result can be allergenic, toxic, carcinogenic and anti-nutritional. The most common result of GMOs is surprise side-effects. New, unknown and unexpected compounds can be created.
With Monsanto’s Bt corn, the corn itself is registered as an insecticide. This is because every cell has the poison. The prediction that the huge amount of Bt in the corn will lead to the increase of “super insects” has come true. These insects mutate to develop a resistance to the continuous onslaught of Bt toxin and won’t respond to it anymore, thereby requiring more pesticide to be applied.
Not only this, but they keep spraying the corn because the superweeds are ignoring the poisons designed to wipe them out. instead, they are wiping out those who eat the corn, pollinate it, etc.
Super-WEEDS develop as a result of herbicide applications. Super-BUGS develop from pesticide use. Bt is a pesticide. Glyphosate, dicamba and 2,4-d are herbicides.
To be precise…. Bt is an Insecticide ( meant to kill insects )….. Glypohosate is a herbicide ( meant to kill plants )…. Any chemical meant to kill any pest can be called a pesticide. So fungicides ( meant to kill moulds or fungus ), insecticides and herbicides are all included under the general term pesticides.
Bt is used by the organic produce industry with great results. As it is external and degrads in sunlight, it is short-lived and safer to use than other commercial preparations. If wider insect resistance to Bt developes, watch for more setbacks to food production.
The upshot was supposed to be that they didn’t have to apply more pesticides, but in fact, because of the tolerance to the Round up, they can spray MORE herbicides. There is also a very disturbing trend…..they now commonly spray the entire crop just mere DAYS prior to harvest…..then they take off the crop. Those herbicides are still on the plant when it is harvested….ensuring that the animals that are fed the corn, soybeans, etc are EATING it, too. I only feed my animals non-GMO grains. We raise all our own meat. I will not eat that crap at the grocery store until mandatory labeling is in effect….so I can CHOOSE what to put into MY body.
CharleeR… it is worse than that. The practice of spraying crops to force ripen them is called drying down… and it is used, not on GMO crops but on almost all grains… wheat, oats, barley etc. plus pulse crops like peas and lentils. Because the Roundup is sprayed on the living plant, the uptake in the plant is quite high… and this is very close to harvest…. matter of days, so there is no time for the chemical to disspate somewhat. This means that the amount of Roundup residue in the seed is maximized. It is becoming suspected that this new practice may actually account for the huge surge of people who are now gluten intolerant. It may be that they are actually not reacting to gluten, but on the Roundup residue in the grains. Only way to avoid it is to eat certified organic. The best presentation on the damage that Roundup can do is in the lecture given by Dr Thierry Vrain called ” Engineered Food and your Health “… look it up on Youtube. He was a director of a science lab doing genetic engineering… until he saw the light. You will discover problems it causes, you never thought about before.
Why do you use question marks at the end of your comment? See what I did there? I asked a question and ended it with a question mark and by doing so, by adding a question mark, it indicates that what I wrote was intended to be communicated in the form of a question.
I’m sorry but the abundance of basic grammatical errors are really starting to annoy me and doing what I feel is needed, I’m going to start correcting every one that I see. I am clinging to the hope that if more people corrected grammar ignorance then maybe, just maybe! we can save our beautiful and historic language.
Ya. WTF. Why do you use question marks at the end of your paragraph?
Question marks are used when you ask a question and NOT when you’re making a statement … like you did, issyco.
Bad man. You make bad writing. You learn better word stuff and be gooder at communicating.
I’ve seen the TV commercials for Roundup. Christ Almighty—if you have weeds growing in a crack in the driveway, heat a pan of boiling water and pour it on them—it will kill the weeds, but you will have not used any poisons—works great on fire ant mounds also, the cost also is way less.
Although Chuck has probably been kicked in the head one too many times he is 100% sharp on this problem. Using GMO’s in the normal crop industry contaminates the natural crop gene pool just by being grown in a neighboring field so it becomes impossible to keep natural crops DNA purely natural. I think this is a CRIME AGAINST HUMANITY as it denies people access to natural healthy food sources and forces disease on the population at large.
Surprised by this. He’s a rabid right wing guy. What convinced him to go against the corporate grain on this subject? He supports everyone that supports Monsanto!!
As far as I know, Norris is a loopy rightwinger. Which means this is good. When a rightwinger is able to call out a fascist organization like Monsanto and help turn people’s attention – but really, What does it take?! – to the fact that corporations run the world and the way they run it is in accord with mafia principles, that can only be good.
Chuck Norris is a actor you can hire him and he will talk what you want. But if he will talk that Monsato is good you will be wrote that they pay him.