1. I always take vitamins and supplements, I wish he said what was wrong with them. I was under the impression that nobody knows if they do any good or not and continually taking them will not harm me anyway.

    No pasta or rice? These are bad for you now? I thought these were good for you. Is nothing sacred anymore haha

  2. I have taken almost 2 pounds of turmeric over the last 3 years to no avail. I have severe persistent asthma ever since taking antibiotics 3 years ago.

    The only relief I have gotten has been from cordyceps and that only lasted about 6 weeks and it stopped working.

    Is there no way to eliminate this inflammation?

    1. have you investigated going wheat free or glutin restricted? it's actually feels good and not as hard to implement as people make it out to be.

    2. Windy,

      Have you given up dairy? Dairy and wheat can cause lots of problems in some people especially when we get older and have more of a leaky gut. I had chronic back pain for 8 years, and once I stopped dairy cold turkey, I was free of that pain in three days. Cheese is the worst because of the concentrated casein in it. You might give it a try for your asthma. Dairy can cause lots of inflammation in our bodies. Good luck!

      1. Yes I have tried giving up both gluten and dairy (I am a dairy farmer) for several months – it made no difference. No one seems to be able to explain how this combination of antibiotics could trigger this and cause it to last 3 years.

        1. You have candida overgrowth/fungus in your lungs and probably through your digestive tract from the antibiotics. Candida/fungus is very hard to rid of- personal experience. You clear that it will go away.

      1. can't get it as I only have dial-up – can you give a short recap?

  3. The author should now that grilled meat would be a big cause of inflamation so sprinkling turmeric over meat is ridiculous. If you want lower inflamation do not eat meat or dairy. The typical American diet is the main reason so many people in this country are sick compared to other countries that have plant based diets.

  4. I found that OIL OF OREGANO WORKS nicely to clear my lungs for better breathing.

  5. I don't believe that red meat is bad for you. Unless it is conventional, factory-raised, antibiotic-fed garbage. On the contrary, good quality grass-fed beef is nourishing. I've found that sugar (in all forms including fruit, honey), dairy, and excess carbohydrates (bread, rice, wheat, gluten, potatoes, etc.) are the absolute worst things you can eat if you have inflammation. Grains and legumes are NOT good things to eat, either. So no beer! And good fats are needed – olive oil, coconut oil and avocado oil are the best. Forget other oils.

  6. this article is contrdictory & has misleading thoughts; not well written or thought out… as others have already pointed out… no need for me to repeat the same things

  7. I think this article has a lot of wrong information…….do more research before deciding what to do about inflammation. The dietary recommendations mostly don't make sense.

  8. My understanding is that in asthma the immune system is overactive, not suppressed. That's why prednisone works – for a while. Whatever kind of asthma I have does not come on as attacks, I have it all the time – it's unbearable.

    Will try the echinacea, do you know how much of the fresh herb would be the equivalent of your capsules?

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