Chick-Fil-A Plans to Remove Dyes, High-Fructose Corn Syrup

Following a viral blog post that exposed the ingredients in a single Chick-fil-A signature chicken sandwich, the fast food giant has decided to work on making things a bit healthier. They are working to remove high fructose corn syrup from their buns and artificial dyes from their sauces and dressings. Though the few ingredients they are removing are only a drop in the bucket, it is certainly a step in the right direction.
When a food maker comes under fire for feeding poisons to the masses, we should all join in to publicize the criticism. Too often these food companies hide behind their golden arches or PR folks and don’t address the health concerns of the people. So, when the heat is on and they actually take note, it doesn’t only signal a victory for health-foodies, but motivation to keep fighting for greater change.
For Chick-fil-A, the motivation to change came from a blog post on Food Babe, where blogger Vani Hari exposed the entire ingredient’s list of a chicken sandwich from the restaurant. With over 100 ingredients—including GMOs, MSG, refined grains, artificial colors, and even TBHQ, derived from butane—the ingredients looked more like a recipe for death than a beloved treat for millions of Americans.
According to the Huffington Post, execs at Chick-fil-A invited Hari to come visit with them and discuss her concerns.
“They took my concerns and started developing a road map of how to address them,” she said. After that, she was notified via email that the company would begin with the HFCS in buns and the colors in dressings.
Interestingly, fast food companies don’t make these changes in a spotlight; there are no major press releases or public campaigns. Why? Because they likely don’t want to bring the heat on the ingredients they are actually choosing to remove. They don’t want any additional attention brought to what’s still being put in their food.
Still, representatives from Chick-fil-A have confirmed they are working on improving, saying they are “systematically going through the menu.” Perhaps like other big fast food companies, such as Kraft removing artificial dyes or Cheerios (from General Mills) going GMO-free, they’ve realized people really do care about what they eat.
“More and more these days, we’ve become kind of a food culture,” said David Farmer, vice president of product strategy and development at Chick-fil-A. “People seem to care a lot more about what’s in it, how it’s made and where did it come from.”
Chick-fil-A’s notable move to improve their ingredients (however small a move it is) should be a rallying point for food activists and conscientious consumers. If a blog post motivated them to make changes, we shouldn’t down play our input in the battle for healthy foods.
Try as they may….They can not remove the hate.
What hate? The hate from leftists who won’t tolerate someone who has a different opinion than them?
I grew up on Stewart Ave. a short hop-skip and jump to the Dwarf House where the Chick-fil-A sandwich was invented in Hapeville, GA. That was the day when you could get a three or five piece barn to go, only one bun buttered and quartered. The chicken was succulent, with spices equal to flour thinly coating the meat so you could actually see the meat thru them. Now depending on the Zip Code of your restaurant the difference in quality of product is obvious. I have learned that the manager/partner has the freedom to get products from other sources (cheaper) thus the quality varies from one store to another. Could be GMO raised chicken or not, way more flour to spice ratio and then double dipped to give it a bigger appearance resulting in getting so much paprika and GMO flour that heart burn ensues for hours. I was lucky to have known Chick-fil-A in it’s greatness, now I just long for what it was as I can no longer eat there, as I have been diagnosed with cellulose poisoning. Cellulose (wood pulp) (pulp from GMO corn, soy) so saturated with Weed killer that it kills the natural microbial bacteria in your gut and you have to depend on yogurt to replace it, at which it fails to do. You just end up with bloating and gas. I remember Truitt Cathy taking my money at the register with that cute Chick-fil-A tie on, now in recent memory I remember getting sick. The products that have a label (salad dressing, sauce, etc.) have cellulose in the ingredients, also the coffee creamer is questionable without knowing the source of milk and sweetener.
They didn’t ridicule anyone. The CEO simply expressed his opinion. Why are leftists so intolerant of other people’s opinions?