1. India is known as SUCKER nation for almost everything. Why? Cancer of Corruption, Leftism, Anglophiles lickers, India haters. Poverty is institutionalised in India. Indians, by and large, would not hesitate to sell their dying grandmother. Don’t get defensive or coy Indians. We read of hundreds of old people conveniently abandoned at your Melas. Not to mention India is today known, worldwide as RAPIST nation.
    Didn’t treacherous, traitorous Indians follow Bill Gates like servile, groveling lemmings as he killed Indian children with his vaccines? Bill gates wants no less than a one and a half billion reduction in the world’s human population. He’s relying on vaccination. Killing kids and making them sterile nets him even more money than a web browsing monopoly. The West wants just 1 billion to populate earth: 1 million Elites and 900 million slaves. Indians are helping the mainly Western elites achieve the target.

  2. Speakinn to the video, “Monsanto destroys our entire planet:” I know Monsanto is destroying the planet but why? I know that over 800 scientists from around the world have come together to demand that they destroy all gmo seeds and plants. But no one is listening, I guess, So, when Monsanto and the other pesticide companies have destroyed the planet, and they are very close to doing that now, what then? What’s the point? Why would they want a dead planet?

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