1. Has this study been published? If so, what is the name of the article?

    1. FYI – The link to the study is embedded in the first sentence in the word "study."

  2. blank christine hartman says:

    my sister just past away due to kidney failure and other things after
    drinking diet soda for years and also putting 8 equals in her ice coffee
    for years!!

  3. Aspartame also causes kidney cancer. Dr. Morando Soffritti has done three studies on aspartame showing it to be a multipotential carcinogen. You can contact me on http://www.mpwhi.com for the Akspartame Resource Guide. We've known this for decades. Excitotoxins: The Taste That Kills goes into aspartame by Dr. Russell Blaylock, neurosurgeon. Also, the medical text, Aspartame Disease: An Ignored Epidemic by H. J. Roberts, M.D., 1000 pages goes into this. Aspartame ravages every organ in the body. Also, the movie, "Sweet Misery: A Poisoned World" should be seen by all. There is a safe sweetener called "Just Like Sugar", http://www.justlikesugarinc.com

    Dr. Betty Martini, D.Hum, Founder
    Mission Possible International

  4. The only good product is STEVIA and natural cold pressed non processed sweet. Here about FRUCTOSE and other information in reply : Indeed it burns your brain cells away slowly, and similar to sugar it does. Doctor Proffessor Geuns from the K.U. University of Leuven – Belgium, made Laboratory toxicology analyses during 30 years and stated clearly those substances like Fructose’s and sugars, (all processed sweet food additives) are toxic and harmful for the brain and many other organs. Myself being a certified orthomlecular medical nutrition therapist, advice everyone to decrease the sugar consumption to the lowest level possible, and to consume sugars that aren’t processed at all but just natural, such as: direct sugarcane “cold pressed”, cold pressed honey, and slow carbohydrates like fruit (preferably not dried but purely fresh fruit) such that one can allow oneself body to metabolically transfer the slow carbohydrates into fuel for the cell-structures. We actually shall never feed our cells with sugars, but mostly with substances that one can find in nature. There are plenty of studies done by universities that show that sugar and fructoses affect the brain cells and our dopamine’s stronger than hard drugs leading to addiction, and the neurological poisoning can be avoided by alerting the public about the dangers of consuming foodstuffs wherein the sugars are added by the manufacturers of food. Maybe awareness and education together with sensibly the public about the dangers of sugars is The Crucial and Urgent approach. Look at this petition and sign up and share others to do the same please: http://www.change.org/petitions/law-enforcement-f
    Have also a look at the following pages: http://www.antisugarassociation.org/

    1. blank Theobromine says:

      How about blackstrap molasses organic sweetener. Its an acquired taste, but puts lots of minerals back and is sweet? And what is the LEAST dangerous of sugars? Coconut sugar? Cane sugar? Beet sugar? Sorry but I love sugar and I am not going to give it up. Just like salt, it can be a natural and instinctive choice. They were on the NO SALT kick for many years, but have now reverted to organic sea salt as a good mineral replacer and healthy. Demonizing sugars won't help. I do not consider artificial sweeteners as sugars – just poisons. Of course they recommend them to diabetics. Part of the plan to make sick people sicker so they use a lot of big Pharma and medicine and still die sooner.

  5. blank anna merrick says:

    just how dangerous is SPLENDA…is it safe??????????????

  6. some people…have diabetes. My son has type 1, which means it's auto-immune. His pancreas cannot process sugar – he tries to avoid artificial sweeteners, but….it's a lesser of two evils for him.

  7. Soda leads to dramatic increases in fat buildup around your liver and your skeletal muscles, Sugar is easily regulated by our body if we eat it regularly; else you close to having a diabetes.

  8. DESTROY kidney function? That’s not what the article said, at all. And I love how you end with the doubts the own authors had on their findings, because they are good statisticians who know the limits of that type if survey. In other news – Fox News is hiring. And, the sky is falling.

  9. For people who enjoy drinking carbonated drinks and use artificial sweeteners, there is no means to control your preference, but I do advice on taking everything in moderation.

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