23 Apple Cider Vinegar Cures

Apple cider vinegar is one of the most popular home remedies for a number of conditions, and is often utilized as an alternative “cure” when common medical interventions offer no relief. It’s important to note that the potential uses largely circle back to anecdotal evidence and personal experiences shared by people around the world. Below you will learn about some of the apple cider vinegar cures shared by people just like you.
Using Apple Cider Vinegar Cures to Tackle 24 Issues Naturally
While there is some scientific backing included to support the various health claims involving apple cider vinegar (ACV), the solutions below are mostly a compilation of reports by individuals – both through research and personal interactions I’ve had.
From improving pet fur to tackling skin problems, here are just a few of the many potential benefits using apple cider vinegar.
1. Acne and Skin
Apple cider vinegar has been touted by some as a potential remedy for acne due to its ability to combat bacteria. Some believe that the acidic nature of ACV can help balance the skin’s pH and has antimicrobial properties, which might help in cleaning the skin and preventing infections from bacteria or fungi.
Though scientific research on its effectiveness is limited, one study published in the US National Library of Medicine suggests that the acetic acid could be beneficial in addressing acne-causing bacteria.
2. Hair Problems
Apple cider vinegar is often recognized for its potential benefits in hair care. Its natural acidity is believed to help smooth down the hair cuticle, which can reduce knots and tangles, leading to smoother hair.
Additionally, research does support the antimicrobial effects of ACV, which may help control bacteria and fungus on the scalp. This could potentially reduce the risk of scalp infections or inflammation associated with conditions like dandruff.
There are some comments below from individuals supporting the use of ACV for hair.
3. Acid Reflux
Some individuals believe that apple cider vinegar can help alleviate acid reflux (GERD) symptoms. The idea is that ACV can increase the acidity of the stomach, aiding in digestion and reducing the pressure build-up we’re looking to avoid.
You may find your acid reflux diminished and soon vanished by simply ingesting apple cider vinegar as it says on the directions (1-2 teaspoons mixed with 8oz of water taken 3 times daily), but increasing the amount used from 1-2 teaspoons to as many as 5 teaspoons may prove to be more beneficial for you.
Again, this is a popular one as seen in the comments below.
4. Sore Throat
Apple cider vinegar can definitely help alleviate any pain from a sore throat. Mix it with some water, warm or cold, and sip on it. You can add salt or honey as well.
5. Sinus Infection
Based on the available evidence, ACV does possess anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties, which might make it a potential remedy for sinus infections.
A study titled “The effect of apple cider vinegar in the treatment of chronic rhinosinusitis” found that vinegar reduced 90% of bacteria and about 95% of viruses, indicating a positive effect on the elimination of rhinosinusitis infective agents.
You should probably head to a doctor if nothing improves after a week or so.
6. Nasal Congestion
Apple cider vinegar is a source of potassium. Potassium is believed to help reduce mucus production.
Additionally, the antimicrobial properties could potentially inhibit bacterial growth, including those causing nasal congestion.
Some individuals find relief by consuming a mixture of 1/2 cup of apple cider vinegar, 1/2 cup of warm water, and 1 teaspoon of local honey several times a day, especially before bedtime.
7. High Blood Pressure
While a 2016 study found that ACV lowered blood pressure in hypertensive rats, the claim that apple cider vinegar (ACV) can significantly lower blood pressure in humans is not strongly supported by scientific research.
8. Weight Loss
Apple cider vinegar has been studied for its potential role in weight loss. One of the mechanisms through which ACV might aid in weight loss is by promoting feelings of fullness, which can lead to reduced calorie intake.
A study published in the “Journal of the American Dietetic Association” found that individuals who consumed vinegar with a high-carb meal had a 55% lower blood sugar response one hour after eating and also felt fuller, leading to them consuming 200-275 fewer calories throughout the day.
Additionally, ACV contains acetic acid, which has been shown in animal studies to increase metabolism and reduce fat storage.
Related Read: Check out these other apple cider vinegar uses.
9. Diabetes
Vinegar, specifically apple cider vinegar, has been studied for its potential role in improving insulin sensitivity and managing type 2 diabetes.
In a study involving both insulin-sensitive and insulin-resistant individuals, as well as those with type 2 diabetes, vinegar consumption was found to enhance post-meal insulin sensitivity by up to 34% in insulin-resistant subjects.
This improvement suggests that vinegar might have physiological effects similar to diabetes medications like acarbose or metformin, making it a potential area of interest for further antidiabetic research.
10. Cellulite and Stretch Marks
Apple cider vinegar (ACV) is often suggested as a natural remedy for various skin concerns, including cellulite and stretch marks. Anecdotal evidence suggests that the acidic nature of ACV may help to exfoliate and tone the skin, potentially improving its appearance.
One randomized clinical trial did find that the topical application of apple vinegar could effectively reduce the size of striae (stretch marks).
Mix apple cider vinegar with 2 parts water and a bit of honey and rub on the areas needed, then rinse with warm water. It won’t get rid of your stretch marks for good, but it could help reduce their appearance.
11. Foot Problems
The acetic acid in ACV is believed to create an environment that is inhospitable to fungi, potentially inhibiting their growth.
A study published in the “Journal of Prosthodontics” found that acetic acid exhibited antifungal properties against certain strains of fungi. This suggests that ACV might be effective in addressing fungal infections of the foot, such as athlete’s foot.
This would need to be further tested and researched.
12. Hiccups
One 13-year-old girl with chronic hiccups found that a mixture of ACV and sugar was able to provide hiccup relief. Hiccups are often caused by either low stomach acid slowing the digestion of protein, fatty sugary foods slowing the stomach from emptying and encouraging fermentation, or eating too much.
ACV can be a great solution for hiccups restoring the acid balance in the stomach and eases irritating spasms of the diaphragm.
13. Swimmers Ear
Apple cider vinegar (ACV) is sometimes recommended as a remedy for swimmer’s ear due to its potential antibacterial and antifungal properties. A diluted solution of ACV can help in removing excess water from the ear canal, which is often the cause of swimmer’s ear. Once again, the acetic acid in ACV may create an environment that is inhospitable to bacteria and fungi, potentially reducing the risk of infection.
However, while there are some studies indicating the antimicrobial properties of ACV, specific research measuring the safety or effectiveness of ACV for treating or preventing swimmer’s ear is limited.
14. Common Cold
While there isn’t concrete scientific evidence supporting apple cider vinegar as a remedy for colds, its antimicrobial properties might provide relief for some individuals experiencing cold symptoms. For those inclined towards natural solutions over medications, experimenting with apple cider vinegar could be an option to potentially alleviate their cold-related discomfort.
15. Strep Throat
Strep throat is a bacterial infection that can be quite painful, and many people seek home remedies to alleviate its symptoms. A common recommendation is to mix 8oz of warm water with 2 tbsp of ACV and 1 tbsp of honey and consume the mixture. If nothing else, I know first-hand that ACV does provide pain relief from any sore throat.
But while there are anecdotal reports supporting the benefits of ACV for strep throat, it’s essential to note that strep throat can lead to more severe complications if not treated appropriately. This is one of those times you probably want to go straight for the mainstream medical solution instead of experimenting with home remedies.
Apple Cider Vinegar may Also Help With:
- 16. Itching
- 17. Bee stings
- 18. Mosquito bites
- 19. Detoxing
- 20. Disinfecting wounds
- 21. Warts
- 22. Cough
- 23. Menstrual Cramps
Possible Negative Side-Effects When Using ACV
Overconsumption or incorrect use of ACV can lead to several side effects. Here’s an overview of the potential side effects of apple cider vinegar:
- Digestive Side Effects: Consuming ACV can lead to nausea and indigestion. Some people might also experience diarrhea, which can be particularly problematic if they’re taking ACV for weight loss.
- Throat Burns: ACV is acidic, and there have been instances where it has caused burns in the throat when consumed undiluted or in large amounts.
- Tooth Enamel Erosion: The high acidity of ACV can erode tooth enamel, leading to increased sensitivity and cavities. It’s advisable to dilute ACV and rinse the mouth after consumption.
- Blood Sugar Levels: While ACV can help stabilize blood sugar levels, excessive intake can have the opposite effect, especially in people taking medications for diabetes.
- Skin Burns: Some people use ACV as a skin remedy, but there have been reports of skin burns, especially when the vinegar is undiluted.
- Potassium Levels and Bone Health: High doses of ACV can reduce potassium levels in the body, potentially leading to osteoporosis.
- Drug Interactions: ACV can interact with certain medications, especially diuretics and insulin.
Make sure you buy high quality organic with the ‘mother’ when shopping for the right brand. You truly don’t want to miss out on the benefits of apple cider vinegar has to offer.
As always, consult a professional before embarking on your own self-healing journey.
Apply it with a cotton ball to sunburn for relief. Works better than anything you can buy over the counter.
Apple Cider Vinegar works great for acid reflux problems. Take a shot at night if your stomach is upset, it will settle things down and allow you to sleep without the reflux problem. Though you probably want to dilute it first.
Helps with urinary tract infections as well; drink a few ounces mixed with water on an empty stomach.
Make sure when you're looking for this stuff you get the Bragg Organic Brand with "the Mother"
ACV is good for animals also- improves their fur.
Put 1 tablespoon in water 1 or 3 times per day. One or more cups in a bath for 20 minutes.
I am a professional pet groomer. I use it as a rinse on most dogs. It takes care of the stinky dogs, and softens and shines the coat.
ACV is an amazing heartburn cure.
Does it cure genital warts?
Yes. Put it on a cotton ball and attach it the wart with a bandaid or duct tape. Seriously. Keep it on as long as possible and in a few days the wart will turn black and peel off.
You can do both.
I drink a ACV, honey, and filtered or distilled water mix everyday. The mix I use is a little stronger than what is "recommended" but sometimes you just need to jump in. My mix is: in a 20oz water bottle pour 1/2 inch of ACV (I use Braggs) then pour approximately 1 Tablespoon honey, then fill with distilled or filtered water. Shake until honey is well mixed in.
When I apply ACV to my skin I dampen a cotton round with it and wipe my face, concentrating on any acne or open pore areas.
Hope this helps.
Will it get rid of skin tags? Can it be taken if you have Pancreatitis, acid reflux due to Celiac?
you really need to ask your doctor when you have a serious illness. You probably need to change your diet if you have acne … no read meats, no milk products, no carbs: NO pasta, bread, rice, potatoes, flour, etc.
Anyone knows if apple cider vinegar and apple CIDER vinegar are similair?
My apple vinegar contains 5% acetic and the rest natural apples (it says a word i REALLY cant find in english, something like the natural pulp of apples)
Its probably Bragg. Its the cloudy stuff in the vinegar, kind of akin to pulp in oj.I have heard its better for you with the Bragg, but I am not sure why.
Oops Bragg is the brand the mother is the pulp. Sorry for my dyslexic brain!
This sounds great, I'd love to try it to treat my acid reflux, however I've also read that it can do damage to the enamel on your teeth?
It can damage the enamel, i have patients with serious enamel erosion and terrible stain brown stain. I would suggest not to brush teeth about an hour or two after drinking ACV. And always dilute.
ya, maybe drink it from a straw… direct to the throat…that saves your teeth.
IF YOU mix 1 part vinegar x 9 parts destilled water it should be ok… to wash your mouth and throuht
for acid reflux you should change your diet. NO FAST FOODS, NOT FRY FOODS, NO spices, specially hot chiles sauces . possible no milk products (if you are allergic) and no gluten products (if you are allergic to gluten).
still your diet should be low in red meats and carbohydrates. drink water with lemon, VERY IMPORTANT TO HAVE ALKALINE MEALS…google for alkaline foods. also buy water that has alkalinity 8.00 – to 8.80 check in the supermarkets they shell them. At least until you feel better.
Does apple cider work for cold sores
Most instructions say to dilute the ACV in water. Is this necessary? It's so much easier just to take a tablespoon or so straight.
Does anyone know about this?
Thanks in advance!
I drink three undiluted or strait shots of ASV per day, some days up to five depending on how I feel. Usually morning noon and night but if I feel sluggish, or ill I increase the dose. I have been sick since 2005 with chronic pain. I have experienced absolutely no negative effects, but sure have the positive ones. Cheers!
Taking it straight is not recommended. It will eat the enamel off your teeth.. Dilute with water.
it is better to mix with water, as he/she said it can 'eat ' the teeth enamel (its acidic) the same as lemon or other abrasive products.
how do you apply this mixture? and how long does a batch keep/last?
True. The impaction is caused mostly if not entirely by undigested red meat, which humans are designed to process very little of. Because most do not eat enough fruit, veggies and other fibrous plant foods, which also contain important enzymes, this stuff can build up until it weighs 20 pounds OR MORE.
Good point!
i just want to ask if the apple cider vinegar can cure my black scars of acne in my back and shoulder????
Very interesting,and informative TY!
I put 1tbsp apple cider vinegar in 8 oz. Of water and drank it before going to bed. My legs began to hurt all night long. This is now the second time I have taken the vinegar, and both Times my legs where hurting. Has anyone out there in cyber space had the same experience?. Please let me know. Thanks
Thanks for this, apple cider vinegar is amazing and has many many uses including for your dogs skin.
It relieves the symptoms of many kinds of skin conditions like mange, seborrheic dermatitis, mites, itchy red skin etc.
Dilute the ACV 1 part to 8 parts water, soak/spray the fur/skin, towel dry excess moisture and allow to dry naturally. The smell disappears when dry and leaves the fur nice and shiny as well. Repeat this process daily for as long as needed. A fresh batch is needed daily as it won't keep once diluted so work out how much you need for a daily 'dose'.
I work with dogs and have used this method on many different kinds of skin conditions and while it may not be a cure or replacement to vet advice, it certainly leaves doggies feeling much better and I have always noticed a clear improvement.
Wow thank you for this information! That goes to show that apple cider vinegar is really a product that has so many uses.
-i tried the apple cider vinegar for heartburn/acid reflux and also weight loss and it works great, now i use a little daily
you can also eat a fresh apple to make heartburn/acid reflux go away
it makes sense when he says that candidi is related to rosacea. i had bad rosacea when i had candida infection too.And candida could be worsen when you take tha acidic food, and you have stress related issues. less sugar , white bread. body ph has to be balanced. heat too makes it worse, maybe the fungus grow more. people wt rosacea also may have candida and dandruff….
This weekend, I suffered from deep pain in my lower intestine area. Possibly bad bacteria from gas station coffee … Coffee tasted a bit strange, cramps started with an hour. I assumed pain would pass. It got worse. After 3 days in deep pain, I called a doc office. While waiting for an appointment, I took one TBL of ACV w/mother … and felt INSTANT relief. I repeated every 3 hours. 4 doses up to bed time. Pain gone 95% by next day. Totally healed within 36 hours. Never went to doctor. Not necessary. STUNNING RELEASE of WICKED PAIN. I'm a believer and plan to stock pile ACV!!!
Some people I Know take daily for gout(a form of arthritis) Also for swimmers ear, cure,.according to the book, Cure For All Diseases by Hulda Clark,rubbing alcohol has too many additives,better to use Everclear,98/99% pure grain alcohol or sugar cane alcohol that is used in tinctures.
ALSO you can wash fruits & vegetables, clean kitchen and bathroom, glasses dishwasher and washer machine, coffee put and machine, heartburn smelly feet, after washing clean your hair, to use it mixed with water
probably yes but you can also use tree tea oil or Vicksvaporub. You probably are lack in some vitamins or minerals or maybe probiotics.
I started drinking ACV to see if it would help my high cholesterol. I was also starting to experience Hot Flushes with Menopause which was getting awful, particularly at night. I noticed the Flushes reduce the very next day and I am now taking morning and evening doses of 2 tablespoons in water (4 tablespoons) daily and the Flushes are almost non existent. Please, anyone experiencing these horrible Flushes with Menopause try it. I don't know why I works but it works and I am over the moon. Hope it helps lots of women out there.
Thanks, Christine-I still have hot flashes since 2003-I will try the ACV! I also notice I sweat on my face more-ugh.
Excellent post. I will deffo buy ACV and try on my nasal congestion that it is driving me mad since I moved to Ireland. I will buy tomorrow. Do you recommend any brand in particular? Thanks 🙂
The Braggs brand [the original been around for over 100 years
l have been taking ACV and my blood pressure has come down so no more medicines.
An old remedy for gout, as told by my 84 year old adopted father, is to put Epsom Salts into the hottest water your feet can stand and soak the feet for as long as possible. Also, you should cut back or eliminate sugar and red meat. Wish you the best.
I have been taking organic ACV , 1 tablespoon a day for almost a year. Exposure to flu , colds, viruses have not botherid me one bit. Swear by this stuff!!!