1. blank kerry benton says:

    Vitamin D Deficieny in endemic world wide. Vitamin D has been found to be essential in most, if not all, body systems. One must consider the current overwhelming geoengineering with constant chemtrail spraying which is blocking UVB at an alarming rate a significant factor in this ongoing and worsening depletion. Do you consider that we need to lobby governments worldwide to cease and desist with this practice? In order for people to obtain adequate vitamin D from sunlight exposure there must be adequate UVB radiation, these levels are falling as we speak.

    Keep up the fight and the important information coming!

    Many thanks,


  2. Agreed with Kerry! How in the world are people to stay healthy with all the chem-trailing which has been going on for 2 decades? Something has to be done to stop all this…our future as a civilization depends on it. How are they allowed to get away with such atrocities?

    Thanks for the great articles you guys put forth:)


  3. blank Catherine says:

    Does cooking the foods that contain Vitamin D destroy the Vitamin D?

  4. Could you please discuss the harm to our bodies from plastic…which our food and liquids are package in. What is being leached into our food and water and what is the effects of this leaching on our bodies. Why can't we go back to glass bottles. Glass can be recycled.

    Thank you very much for the information you provide.

    Peggy of this leaching

  5. Cooking can destroy vitamins, enzymes, amino acids, and other nutrients in the food. The higher the heat and the longer the food is cooked, the more nutrients are lost.

  6. BPA, (Bisphenol-A), a toxic chemical that helps destroy your endocrine system. Some are going to BPS, (Bisphenol-S), which is not quite as toxic as BPA, but 17 times more absorbable and some say is even worse. So when it say no BPA on the bottle it may certainly be BPS.
    Choose glass over plastic, especially when it comes to products that will come
    into contact with food or beverages, or those intended for pregnant
    women, infants and children.

  7. Vitamin D is very important especially during the growing years. It pertinent to bone formation and will prevent Rickets which is an abnormal bone formation in children; especially seen in the legs.
    Bowed leg, knock knee, lazy foot, pigeon toe, are some of the conditions of Rickets some times known as Blount’s disease, and are some of the milder forms of bone problems, which is caused by vitamin D deficiency.
    Depression is another form of D deficiency, especially during the winter months in many Northern countries. Shut-ins should be getting out in the sun and/or vitamin D3.
    Cod liver oil is the second best source of Vitamin D3.

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