1. The food was changed in the USA, UK and Australia 30 years ago when dangerous food chemicals from the USA was allowed into European. The food today causes stubborn insulin If you have stubborn insulin you hold fat and have a hard time losing weight. You can eat very little and the weight still does not come off. Stubborn insulin will hold fat and diets won’t work. When researchers used a specialized diabetes diet on overweight people all lost weight even those who did not have diabetes. See here on Danish Health http://spirithappy.org

  2. Whole grains are great for people who can handle them. Then there is grass fed meat and other proteins, raw dairy (OMG, I said it!!!) and good, saturated fats (virgin coconut and palm oils, raw butter and ghee) but NO fake fats (no canola, soy, corn, safflower and sunflower oils) and virgin olive oil that is NOT cooked.

    1. blank Anonymous says:

      Why not safflower or sunflower oil?

  3. Grains are not necessary and in fact are contra-indicated for most people as they provide too many calories and anti-nutrients (due to modern processing methods). Humans were not designed to consume grains. The best diet is one that consists primarily of foods that can be eaten in a raw state.

  4. PALM OIL!!!!!!!!!! Are you serious?? Suzanne your comments don't belong here.

    1. blank Oor Wullie says:

      Palm oil, a saturated fat, is bodily healthy.

  5. Good post. I too agree with the point that green tea helps in weight loss. Drinking lot of water and regular
    exercise helps a lot for weight loss. Cooking one's favorite food in different way also helps in reducing

  6. what about diabetics? don't they count in life?

  7. blank Oor Wullie says:

    They create masses of those wee free radicals and are potent suppressors of the immune system.

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