1. blank Patti Jo Roth-Edwards says:

    Rainbow chard , Russian kale and others are also beautiful. Plant them with your flowers. Also: plant fresh herbs (thyme, sage, oregano, rosenary, …) for your health, digestion and delicious taste. Beets can be planted to supply greens all year.

    1. Thanks, I wondered why the greens were removed from beets, you would think since they are nutritious they would stay on. What’s up Safeway?

      1. blank Patti Jo Roth-Edwards says:

        That’s alright! They grow back. Just plant them with the top root down and the top at soil level and wait. You will soon have the beet and the greens, or just keep harvesting the greens. And they are pretty.

        1. Thanks Patti, one plant I can handle.

      2. blank RuthieTruthie says:

        The beet tops begin to get old before the beet roots. Beets without the tops is a good buy if you want beets. If you buy beets w/tops use the tops as soon as possible. Beet tops are one of the most nutritional greens and ‘more’ nutritious than kale which rates 15th.

  2. blank RuthieTruthie says:

    The quality of the food you grow will be no better than the genetics of the seed and the health of the soil you grow it in. Skip on the quality of either and you will get an inferior nutritional product.

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