1. blank Frankie Mussallem says:

    And still, marijuana use is illegal!

    1. blank Sandro Stoffers says:

      And that is the strongest natural medicine known to mankind ( marijuana ) , how poisonous mind control freaky of the pharmamaffia illuminatzi's goes to the extreme evil ways is mind boggling , this is thou still is A very good movie : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PsBYonWiizQ

  2. blank Anonymous says:

    Amazing what is passed off as 'scientific' isn't it? Not any different these days!

  3. some 25 years ago i was doing a show in France and along with all my coullegues developed a very sore throat and caugh. The pharmacist came up with litre bottles of a red caugh syrup, man did it soothe the caugh – later i found the ingridient included opium – heyyy, it really works.

  4. blank Alan Leguori says:

    This just proves a point that many believe. The big pharma groups are behind so much of the substance abuse that is happening around the world.

  5. blank lgentry00 says:

    Know thy enemy. Somewhere where we least expected. Thought those guys were on OUR side, helping with diseases and all that! Can you believe that doctors are not taught in medical school how drugs inter-relate with other drugs? They are prescribing without the knowledge needed to prescribe these drugs…are you kidding me? Where are the so-called drug experts anyway?

  6. Drugs such as cocaine and methamphetamine are still used by medical professionals, albeit rarely.

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