1. Selenium is toxic in high concentrations. The chronic toxic dose for human beings is about 2.4 to 3 milligrams of selenium per day. – WIKIPEDIA

  2. I think the article was about the dangers of taking synthetic versions of selenium, not that we shouldn't use any form of selenium. While it is true that we should stay below 500 micro-grams, we still need 'natural' selenium in our diet. I agree with the article, that manufacturers should not be allowed to use the synthetic versions for human consumption, especially in infants formulas…only natural supplements.

    This is from the govt fact sheet:

    "Selenium supplements

    Selenium occurs in staple foods such as corn, wheat, and soybean as selenomethionine, the organic selenium analogue of the amino acid methionine [30,31]. Selenomethionine can be incorporated into body proteins in place of methionine, and serves as a vehicle for selenium storage in organs and tissues. Selenium supplements may also contain sodium selenite and sodium selenate, two inorganic forms of selenium. Selenomethionine is generally considered to be the best absorbed and utilized form of selenium."

  3. A recent study released by the International Journal of Biological Sciences found that Monsanto's GM Corn causes liver and kidney damage in lab rats. Monsanto only released the raw data after a legal challenge from Greenpeace, the Swedish Board of Agriculture, and French anti- GM campaigners. I'm sure the corn is fine to feed to our cattle or eat ourselves though. Right? You can take action by staying informed and spreading the word at http://geneticallyengineeredfoodnews.com

  4. Although the chemical mentioned here is sodium selenate, killing 50% of rats link goes to MSDS of sodium selenite. These are two different chemicals.

  5. blank Lenny Gray says:

    While it is true that a mere factor of 10x of a therapeutic dose of it is considered toxic (though hardly lethal unless continued), Selenium is an ESSENTIAL mineral, necessary for the formation of Glutathione Peroxidase. There are no "biologically inert forms" of Selenium, though Selenium Yeast may be incorporated into the body, unmetabolized, until, fate be damned, a cancer breaks it up, at which point the Selenium toxicity will present as a problem. The levels of selenium (though not sodium-selenate!) in produce relate to the soil content in which yon produce is grown. That soil source _CAN_ provide so much as to _BE_ toxic, or it can yield so little as to cause a deficiency. _YOU_ need to note the "so much" aspect of that last sentence, as "natural" ain't automatically the answer.

    OTOH, modern medicine is currently investigating positive effects of supplemental selenate, along with massive doses of niacinAMIDE, for modulating the tau-proteins, showing potential as the basis of a cure for dementia, including Alzheimers. Again, "natural" may not be "best".





    _DO_ note the NIH.GOV domains of the above links.

  6. You are a quack and spreading misinformation. Stop it, there is enuf of you uneducated jerks in the world spreading misery with your ignorance. Stop writing asap and go back to reading. All the comments in this section are more accurate than you. Selenium in the Sodium Selenate form as even tolerated up to 45mg a day.

  7. insane propaganda. a multivitamin contains 55micrograms of Sodium Selenate; nobody has ever eaten 100 milligrams of this; that’s 2000 times more. it’s just crap; designed to prey on your ignorance and sell you something.

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