1. Synthetic vitamins DESTROY your health. Great article I am sharing this.

  2. Anonymous says:

    Centrum is crap. Plain and simple.

    Buy quality supplements.

    1. Anonymous says:

      Agreed, I mean it's made by Pfizer.

  3. Anonymous says:

    Great story. Thanks so much for reminding me to avoid synthetic vitamins and fillers, Anthony.

  4. Much appreciated, I have been taking a vitamin brand that contains one of these fillers and I had no idea.

    1. Great, Jessica. Glad to help you optimize your health and congratulations on the initiative.

      1. Thanks so much, Anthony!

  5. Can you list some quality supplements? or alternatively, list synthetic substitutes and fillers which should be avoided? Also, this is the first time I've read that fillers are toxic. What I do know about them is that they actually block nutrient absorption into the body, and that is actually why we need to take them multiple times a day, every single day.

    1. i really like new chapter, oregon's wild harvest, and emerald laboratories supplements. blue bonnet isn't bad, either.

    2. check my web site to learn of a great quality real food vitamin

  6. What do you think of USANA vitamins?

    1. they also use synthetic vitamins although they at least use GMP's, hats off for that.

  7. In my professional opinion, the top line Vitamins are New Chapter and Garden of Life. Then Nature's Way, Nature's Path and a few others. Do your research, shop only in specialty health supplement and health food stores…and stay away from anything found in WalMart or your local dollar stores.

    1. these too are synthetic, perhaps a good quality but…check my web site please for your healths sake

  8. Great piece, very much appreciated advice from all of you…thanks

  9. Thanks alot. I learnt so much reading your articles. Is so enlightening and revealing

  10. As Hippocrates said "let your medicine be your food, let your food be your medicine". Eat Certified Organic, your health is your diet & lifestyle, & get off your duff & go for a walk.

  11. Is this why so many people are getting sick and we don't know whats wrong with them -who will sue these companies for our poor health

  12. Excellent information, thank-you. I used to buy mainstream vitamins (hopefully the years now of "cleaning up" has rid my body of the synthetic garbage. I buy only from my local health food store that I trust.

    1. 95% of vitamins are sythetic, even in health food stores. Please check my web site for the only real food (harmless) on the market.

      1. Anonymous says:

        Tom, what is your site?

  13. This "study" was done by the pharmaceutical industry to sway people away from using minerals and vitamins. They (the pharmaceutical industry) want you to use what THEY say is good for you. People who use healthy vitamins and minerals do not get sick as often since their bodies are better able to fight off illness.

    Anything done in excess can be toxic. When used as directed, they are beneficial. Overdosing with the hope of correcting years of bad habits is the wrong thing to do.

    Don't throw the baby out with the bathwater! Natural vitamins and minerals are the way to go.

  14. i have never touched i tablet vitamin in my life. it was just instinct even at 4 years old. i tried one no way.

  15. Stardust on the Sage says:

    The other stealth ingredient in lots of vitamin supplements is soy in some for or another. Usually soy oil, but not always that plainly visible.

    Tom keeps referring to his web site, yet doesn't produce the link. Very helpful. Then he also mentions emailing him – but give no email addy. Again, very helpful. Sheesh.

    Take no multivitamin. If you need to take individual vitamins, choose well by reading ingredient lists before purchasing. For instance, I take D3 because I live in the northern great plains and we have a lot of days with no sun at all. Not to mention I work indoors. So I had to search a long time to find a decent one not containing nasty stuff in the d3 or the capsule. I usually use cod liver oil for my D and A requirements, but I need a break from that sometimes. It's awful. But it's very good for you, especially the fermented kind from Green Pastures. I also like their Skate oil because it's high quality.

    I drink raw milk so I like to depend on that for most of my good fats and necessary EFA's. But I also take dolomite (from KAL) for calcium because I'm afraid of too much calcium going to the wrong places in my body and causing hardening of the arteries, etc. So I always take my dolomite, D3 and K with raw milk.

    Sayer Ji, at Greenmedinfo.com had all kinds of good articles, well researched and referenced, concerning health and food. Check it out.

  16. lets hope new chapter does,nt go through any major changes,now that new chapter was bought by,none other than MONSANTO a while back !!!

  17. Have you heard of the Ariix Vitamins? What do you think about their products

  18. Thank you for such a great article. I use new chapter as well as AOR. What do you think of the AOR brand?

  19. What brands of vitamins are not synthetic?

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