1. No the the government would never do that to it’s own people! Wink, wink, nod…

  2. Vitality6 says:

    I have heard that the us forces at Greenham Common in England were microwaved when non-violently protesting in the 80’s. Does anyone know any more about this? I will ask my MP to find out if the british government knew what the americans were doing.
    We were also sprayed with chemicals along the south coast in the 50’s/60s to see how that might work out if the russians did it!!! You couldn’t make this up!!!
    So sorry for all those who suffered and under mkultra. May they find peacexxxxxxxxxx

    1. Ask your mp if he knew what the American govt was doing. The “Americans” are victims of our govt too.

  3. con’t: By the way…after they sprayed for 3 nights…it was over…NO CRICKETS, NO BUTTERFLYS, AND NO HUMMING BIRDS….for at least year afterwards…..yep IT’S SAFE…..REALLY!!!!

  4. I don’t doubt the validity of these stories, I know some to be true, but maybe you could include some citations in your article?

  5. Andreas Schlüter says:

    The US Power Elite and its “intelligence” apparatus are waging war against the world! If dealing with their own citizens like this suspicions about Ebola are quite believable.
    Andreas Schlüter
    Berlin, Germany

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