1. Thank you for this wonderful article. Is there any information on the amount of turmeric that a person needs to consume daily?

    Also, people in the Middle East don't eat curry that much (I've lived and traveled in the region). It's people from South Asian (India, Pakistan, Bangladesh and surrounding areas), Southeast Asian (Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand, and surrounding countries), and the Japanese consume a large amount of it as well. It's also used in coloring rice around Central Asia.

    Thanks again. Love your website and facebook page 🙂

  2. I'd love to find information about how to get a good absorption of turmeric. In curries and such the spice is roasted in oil. So probably it's absorbed best in combination with fat. Would be nice to know what exactly are really effective ways to take it.

    btw. also my compliments for this article and the website and FB articles!

    1. Taking black pepper with turmeric makes your body absorb it tremendously.

    2. I take 2 capsules daily of Turmeric extract Curcumin C3 Complex 1,160 tabs from Vita-Cost.com.

  3. I live in South africa and would like to know if you get different grades or quality of tumeric,and where would i iget the best genuine product.



    1. New Chapter sells a high quality tumeric capsule, which I use every day in addition to using it in my cooking. Google "New Chapter supplements."

    2. sam walker says:

      There is no need to buy all these chemically coated tablets. I have been consuming raw turmeric powder for the last twenty years (one teaspoon with water) on an empty stomach in the morning. Nothing like it. Turmeric contains curcumin. You can get raw turmeric (try organic, if not, even regular will do) powder in any Indian Grocery shop

  4. Turmeric is an anti-inflammatory, great for ulcers, sores and good for the skin and many other uses.

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