The Right to Grow Your Own Food Is Being Hijacked by the Federal Government

In a document quietly signed into law a few years ago, your right to grow your own food was surreptitiously taken away and given to the Federal government through the right of ‘seizure’ given to the Feds, by the Feds. Was this a preemptive strike to make all Americans dependent upon corporations like Monsanto, Syngenta, Dow, Bayer, etc. for food?
The document is titled executive order 13603: “National Defense Resources Preparedness.” In this 10-page document the federal government declares its right to seize control of many things – from ‘all forms of energy’ to ‘all useable water sources’ – and perhaps most alarming:
“All commodities and products that are capable of being ingested by either human beings or animals.”
That means food.
Though orders like these have admittedly been issued at different times since the Cold War, they smack of totalitarian control over all the vital resources of our nation – right down to the organic broccoli or non-GMO potatoes that you might want to grow in your own backyard should the DARK Act pass.
This isn’t the only legislation that we should be wary of, though. Bills S.425 and H.R.875 were introduced both in the House and Senate of the US Congress by Democrat Rosa DeLauro. This is concerning because Rosa De Lauro is married to Stanley Greenberg, who is Chairman and CEO of Greenberg Quinlan Rosner Research. This entity has carried out work for Biotech company Monsanto.
Fortunately, Bill S.425 and H.R. 875 were not enacted, but they were attempts by Big Ag to instill a total monopoly over our food supply.
In fact, the primary aim of these bills is to completely industrialize all food production in America. If these bills or future similar bills (like the DARK Act) are implemented, it would be illegal to grow food in our gardens, and even illegal to give that food away to our friends and family.
Other parts of these bills attempt to restrict and control the usage of valuable minerals and vitamins that have proven beneficial effects on people’s well-being. You can bet that Big Pharma had its say in developing those portions. Or are Big Ag and Big Pharma really just one in the same?
You can come up with your own conclusion, but the political breadcrumbs are there for those with eyes to see.
Over my dead body will they stop me from growing my own food. That would be an act of war I would be willing to fight to the death, even though I hate war and fighting. I grow 35-50% of my own food just to survive.
Outrageous! I have no words for this injustice. May god help us.
The U.S. Constitution doesn’t grant the government the right to prevent citizens from growing food. It’s a basic inalienable human right. I also hate fighting, & I don’t even have a garden, but I too would fight for the right.
Any legislation that would criminalize that right, would be illegal & illegitimate.
DC has NO jurisdiction or authority in any state – they have no power outside of their own DC borders of 10 miles square, that they have unlawfully extended it to 68 miles. Any Police (Police, NOT the Sheriff, is a Federal created and established entity) who operates on DC’s behalf must be arrested and imprisoned ! and the Sheriff is who must do that. If a Sheriff is guilty of operating on behalf of DC , then they must be replaced immediately. And this is a people action as the Sheriff belongs to the People – NOT the State or DC ! Sheriff’s are answerable to the people, not the State or DC ! NO law can be made to stop anyone from doing anything on their own land – so tell the so-called Law to go fall off a cliff ! Charge them with trespass and harassment and if they use any threats to you., also charge them for threatening your life !
You have to get tough people – take back your rights because if you don’t you will never have them.
You get them back BY USING THEM !
If the power granted to DC is not listed [DEFINED] in the US Constitution -then they CANNOT DO IT !
And any law they make MUST COMPLY WITH THE US CONSTITUTION or i is null and void and of no force ! !
“power” & “authority” are 2 entirely different things. The government often ts uses it power, to do th8ings it has no authority to do. Ultimately law & rights are an illusion. Your rights are whatever the government SAYS they are, and the law is whatever the government SAYS it is. This is a reality because the government has the “POWER”, through force of arms (courts, police & military,etc) to force it’s will on the people. There can be no states’ rights, freedom & liberty, etc, so long as an overbearing & all powerful government is in power. Federal government should be limited almost exclusively to foreign affairs.
AMEN ! That’s what I’ve been saying for oh now … 55 years !
The states were given the power, not DC !
it’s exactly what Jefferson said. From Founders Law =
” The states can best govern our home concerns and the Federal government our Foreign ones.” — Thomas Jefferson
He also stated in Founders Law =
“Leave NO authority existing that is not responsible
to the people.” – Thomas Jefferson
[If the govt becomes its own power and is no longer under the authority of the people, it is to be totally made non-existent ! TOTALLY Destroyed ! ]
“Refuse to cooperate with Officers of the Union !” – – James Madison
And this is just the beginning of our instructions how to keep this land free !
Too bad we didn’t listen !
Power and Authority are NOT two different things to DC.
They have GIVEN THEMSELVES ALL THE POWER AND THE AUTHORITY AND JURISDICTION OVER ALL.- when DC and all its UN-Constitutional entities have NO power or authority outside of their own DC borders !
And it happened because WE did not do OUR DUTY .
WE turned ourselves into weak lazy sheeple and let DC take over OUR duty and we listened and obeyed THEM instead of the Founders who we should have been listening to and obeying all along.
I agree with you.
Sorry, but they ARE. (power & authority are 2 different things) What is “authority” without the “power” to enforce it?
I think you misunderstand what I mean about “power” & “authority”. Authority is nothing w/o power. Even if you have authority, how can you enforce it without power? So in that respect, they are different. But power can also = authority, & with power, you can do things you have no authority to do. (which are government routinely does)
For example, “civil forfeiture” laws. They are blatantly unconstitutional & outright illegal. Confiscating/stealing citizens’ money, property, & possessions, without arrest, charge, trial, conviction, or sentence, is a clear violations of the 4th, 5th, & 6th Amendment. (& outright theft, grand larceny, armed robbery, etc) The government does it not because it has any legal “authority” or right to, (it doesn’t) but simply because it has the “power” to.
BTW, when people challenge the government’s oppression of our rights, the government is often forced to show a “compelling interest”. I’d be really curious to know by what authority the government can ban vegetable gardens, and what the compelling interest is behind it. I’ve thought long and hard on that….and I can think of no intelligent or rational explanation. (though I’m sure government attorneys could come up w/some incomprehensible BS reason)
I said TO DC they are the same thing. They have given THEMSELVES BOTH ! Plus some !
Dumb, Da-Dumb-Dumb-Dumb…