1. johnnygeneric says:

    No, we DO NOT know that “junk food” is addicting. All the junk food we have now we had 50 years ago. And NOW we have decided it is addictive? Pray tell, how did we survive until now without wiping out the entire nation within that 50 years.
    The problem is EXERCISE AND ACTIVITY. It is NOT junk food.
    Don’t insult us anymore.

    1. thinkforyourself says:

      No, its the food. Do some real research or if your completely lazy you can watch a documentary which provides facts that have been swept under the rug for generations. Fed Up is the name of it. I’ll make it short and sweet, sugar is the main culprit since it’s more addictive than cocaine. If you lose weight you gain it back because it’s so addictive. I too thought that exercise was the main objective in being healthy but we’ve all been lied to. It’s not our fault that corporations own the media and governments enough to brainwash the whole world.

      1. johnnygeneric says:

        As a kid, I would stuff my face full of candy and chocolate. I’m now a healthy 59 year old who can climb up the stairs of 100 foot structures. PUHLEASE don’t preach to me about the FAKE dangers of sugar.

        1. JOHN BISCIT says:

          And George Burns smoked between 10 and 15 cigars a day
          for 70 years and lived to 98. So maybe you should also advocate cigars (and inhaling them) to everyone here too!

    2. You are simply a liar.

  2. hinckleybuzzard says:

    According to the Social Security Administration the life expectancy of Americans continues to increase. All that guilt-free “junk food” of the sixties and seventies that the boomers grew up on must be having a beneficial effect.

  3. Bobloblaw67 says:

    Ok so we now know that eating junk good is worse than starving yourself. Sheesh

  4. JOHN BISCIT says:

    Certain comments offered up here are glaring examples of why people in NA are obese and in poor health. You would think readers here would have enough sense to learn from this dissertation. They would rather be lulled into thinking that if it tastes good that it is good for you. The problem is that we will never find out what this garbage is really doing to us until it is too late. Plus our health system will eventually be overloaded by an unhealthy population who didn’t heed the warnings by writers like yourself.
    Keep up the communication.

  5. Obesity is disgusting. People overeating is the problem. Put down the fork and go work out.

    1. Disgusting is right! Fat people are gross, lazy, and stupid – and they stink!

      1. JOHN BISCIT says:

        No actually the ones who are disgusting are those stick models who starve themselves and come on TV telling everyone how much better they are than everyone else.
        By the way many overweight people have defective genes which make them gain weight just by looking at food.
        Your comments here are gross, lazy and stupid!

  6. “Junk food” witg no definition. What is addictive? Some additive? Or is it the box?

  7. Bill the Cat says:

    What crap. Is there someone in the entire world who doesn’t realize they can get fat from eating too much?
    I don’t need a nanny. Go away.

  8. Gail of Gaia says:

    the trolls are flocking to this article…keep eating the slow kill junk and when you are diseased, cancer laden and sick just remember “you are what you eat” just look at the rats who ate the gmo corn. It is just so much easier to eat whatever you want and care not the consequences until you are too heavy to move and too dumbed down to care…eat up..sad

  9. Gail of Gaia says:

    Food producers hire food scientists to find chemicals to increase the addictive nature of this junk food…believe what you want but your lack of reading and research shows drastically

  10. “…and make snacks like chocolate bars harder to resist.”

  11. I’m only content with a few foods these days. I dont even that much anymore. I could eat lentils for the rest of my life.

  12. rwbenjamin says:

    The trouble with such studies is they used RATS instead of humans. Most people shrug it off and just say oh well, because it’s a rat instead of a human. A rat is a rat, a human is a human.

  13. RockyMtSpirit says:

    Junk food a threat? Really?
    The biggest threat to human survival…is…”apathy”.
    Scientific research can blame anything as a threat to human survival, but it is apathy that will be our downfall. Oh yeah, “ignorance” isn’t far behind either.

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