1. Sorry Guys, you’re wrong. Pfizer is NOT a subsidiary of Monsanto. Perhaps a little fact checking might be in order before going to print?

  2. And, incidentally, Pfizer could buy Monsanto 10 times over if it so
    desired. Pfizer’s profitability, as a Big Pharma player, is far higher
    than that of Monsanto. Pfizer acquired Pharmacia/Upjohn Pharma from
    Monsanto as a part of which transaction Monsanto agreed to indemnify
    Pfizer for certain product-related issues. That, of course, does NOT
    make Pfizer a subsidiary of Monsanto!

  3. Gino Schafer says:

    WRONG. Monsanto was spun off in 2002 by Pharmacia. Monsanto is a totally separate company and has been for years. Pharmacia (which was previously Pharmacia-UpJohn) is owned by Pfizer. A simple google search would have told you that.

  4. Gino Schafer says:

    If you don’t want companies leaving the America, FIX THE TAX LAWS!

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