1. blank biggerbrain says:

    So, pesticides are bad for you, but insecticides are ok right?

    1. Actually insecticides ARE some sort of pesticides

  2. blank Angelica154 says:

    Biggerbrain, insects just means a bit more protein to your diet. Grow up! Do you know how many insects are in your candy bars?

  3. People who believe one can eat pesticides and get away with it are absolutely ignorant about nutrition and how the body works. Maybe their brains have been affected for quite awhile so they are not thinking sensibly.

  4. Then it's a good thing I've never resorted to chemical pesticides in our backyard garden. There are other natural, safer ways to keep pests off of your plants.

  5. I'm always washing my vegetables and fruits… don't know what they put on them nowadays.

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