Is Monsanto About to Unleash GMO Marijuana?

It has supposedly been in the works for years now, but you’ve likely not heard of it – Monsanto Marijuana. Is that the big push to legalize in the US? Allegations abound that Monsanto and George Soros have been planning to unveil GMO cannabis in Uruguay, the first country to legalize the sale, cultivation, and possession of marijuana earlier this year. Could Monsanto have the same plans for the US?
Did George Soros help get marijuana legalized in Uruguay in order to open the doors for another Monsanto monstrosity – genetically modified marijuana?
If so, it would be a horrendous reversal of wide-spread access many were hoping to obtain for a plant that can literally save lives – should it to be delisted as a Schedule 1 drug by the Feds. If this is all just a ploy for Monsanto and biotech to plant acres of GM cannabis, there is no better time to stop this corporate leviathan than now.
According to the Washington Times:
“Through a network of nonprofit groups, Mr. Soros has spent at least $80 million on the legalization effort since 1994, when he diverted a portion of his foundation’s funds to organizations exploring alternative drug policies, according to tax filings”.
Soros has also been listed by the Marijuana Policy Project as one of the “Top 50 Most Influential Marijuana Users.” But he has also been suspect of being a supporter of the One World Government which destabilizes nations, foments civil wars, and overthrows governments through something called the Open Society Movement. One of their goals is to replace natural cannabis with pharmaceutical varieties that are patentable and genetically modified.
Related: Uruguay Becomes World’s First to Legalize Marijuana Nationwide
Soro’s biography presented by Open Society Foundation seems tenderhearted, even philanthropic, but others warn of his true leanings. One of his ‘philanthropic’ interests is Planned Parenthood, which has been linked to Bill Gates’ eugenicist father, William H. Gates.
Soros is also an open supporter of more power for groups such as the World Bank and International Monetary Fund, two organizations which are known to support biotech.
Health Impact News has reported:
“. . . the Oakland Institute along with other NGOs, farmer and consumer organizations from around the world launch a campaign, Our Land Our Business, to hold the World Bank accountable for its role in the rampant theft of land and resources from some of the world’s poorest people–farmers, pastoralists, and indigenous communities, many of whom are essential food producers for the entire planet.”
Further, Soros has called Russian President Vladimir Putin “an existential threat,” demanding $20 million to defend the US from Russia in ridiculous politically slanted slandering. Why? Putin has called GMO makers and GMO marketers criminals who should be jailed or fined, and has banned genetically modified food from his country.
A writer for the European Coalition for Just and Effective Drug Policies (ENCOD) states that Monsanto is already quietly at work on a project to patent a genetically modified cannabis plant in Uruguay.
It is up to you to determine if the fact that Soros owns considerable Monsanto stock shares, and also played a critical role in successfully legalizing marijuana in Uruguay – if there is foul play.
It is suggested that Uruguay is part of a much larger, global plan, and that Monsanto is quietly testing genetically modified THC and CBD to see how they can use it pharmaceutically, and own most of the world’s cannabis plant trade.
Furthermore, German pharmaceutical company, Bayer AG signed an agreement with GW Bayer AG in 2003 agreeing to an information exchange with Monsanto. Monsanto thus supposedly has “discreet access” to scientific studies on the cannabis plant and its genetic modification.
I learned of Monsanto GMO marijuana and saw the list of strains produced during the vote to legalize cannabis recreationally in California and why many voted against it a few years ago. I feared GMO cannabis was behind the recent push for its legalization in many US states and the ones that now do.
Don’t know if Colorado sells GMO pot or not.
I have received George Soros USPS mailings asking to help legalize marijuana so of course this evil, greedy, Monsanto stock holder man is backing GMO grown cannabis.
The question is, is it worth legalizing knowing organic cannabis will be no more and big corporations take over its sales of GMO cannabis and what health consequences will occur from it.
The Marley family just partnered with a company that’s going to grow natural, organic cannabis for the legal/medicinal states and countries. If cannabis is legalized in the US or around the world, I’d highly recommend people buy from Marley Natural or another company that can prove unflinchingly that their strains are Non-GMO and/or organic.
The patent law of Uruguay specifies that plants and animals are not patentable.
Not the case here…Monsanto has seen to that by getting their lawyers appointed to the US Supreme Court and into the FDA, USDA…I spoke with a former USDA employee…I asked…
How deep is Monsanto into the USDA….Next Question was his response….DEEEEEEEP
And what does that have to do with Uruguay?
Are you that daft you can not see or understand when someone is making a point?????
The issue was Monsanto patenting GMO cannabis in Uruguay. I noted that plants are unpatentable in Uruguay, and you referred to the US and said “but not here.” Yes, you make a point — a totally irrelevant point.
GMO cannabis will never come to be, far too many growers care about themselves and fellow humans to let this happen on any size scale. keep fighting the good fight and see monsanto out the door.
The farmers felt the same way, at one point.
I don’t know how many of them felt that way. Petrol base fertilizers and powerful insecticides weren’t nearly as much of a concern back in the day as they are now. And farmers out there are still using GMO. When it comes down to it, many farmers are willing to do it if it means they continue their livelihood. The emergence of organics only started in the late 70s an it is just really starting to hit a stride in recent years.
They were tricked and lied to by Monsanto from the start
Boy you hit that right on the head….
The reason regulation has not been in play…anyone can through a seed into the back yard and do absolutely nothing and have a pound or two and the end of summer…whetehr the quality is “KGB” or “Chronic”…is doubtful but the fact is the plant is very easy to grow…
Wrong. Drug gangs will do it to boost the active ingredients to give superior highs. You won’t be able to stop it anymore than all those governments were able to stop Marijuana itself.
except for 2 states that allow recreational pot how does the other 48 states recreational users know what they are getting from the black market. and pollen can travel miles so all outdoor pot could easily get infected by it
what an inflamatory article, i’m cancelling right now ~
I noticed I can’t look at your ‘history’…oopsy…your pants are down.
It was patently obvious that the reason the Feds backed off from raiding legal dispensaries like they did in Montana and California was that Monsanto and/or Big Pharma directed them to in order to open a huge new market for their junk products. GMO/pharmaceutical pot will be inferior in all regards and the good stuff will still be available, just like fruits and veggies, because intelligent, discerning consumers will demand it.
The only thing that will come out of this is legalization ASAP. Grow it at home, uncontaminated by Monsanto. The CIA will be out of a job.
And all I want is to grow my own for personal consumption.Heirloom seeds not GMO that’s what I want.
I’m just not getting this let’s make everything better through Chemistry….Wasn’t there a failed experiment with Dr. Osley and Timothy 40 years ago????
Wonder just what will be in a package of this product…we don’t know what is in our food supply…now into the medicine that should be natural????
This company is know to FORGE/fabricate statements by the FDA….we really want this????
good thing I know what horse poop and bat guano does in my dirt….make sure you keep your own seeds…..
You can take your GMO herb and SHOVE IT….. Organic or nothing
What type of genes would Monsanto want to put into cannabis? They’d only do it if paying for that research and then the process would result in higher profits afterward. They don’t just make GMO everything. Anyone care to speculate?
Ask the same question about corn, wheat, canola, etc. for your answer. Monsanto is all about selling seeds that render higher production in less space.
This is not an interesting story. It’s just conjecture.
Monsanto is evil and George soros is an evil man too.They want to create gmo marijuana so it kills people.
“In 2013, Tracy Glesz-Ramsay wrote in Cannabis Culture magazine, “Monsanto, Syngenta, BASF, Bayer, Dow and DuPont MintPress search of public patent databases proved fruitless. Monsanto marijuana is an urban legend, much like the belief that Marlboro is developing mass-produced joints for sale.
It’s so popular that Monsanto even debunked the myth on their website: “Monsanto has not and is not working on GMO marijuana. This allegation is an Internet rumor and lie.”
Since patents are public, even Monsanto couldn’t very well deny it on their site if the public record showed it true
Snopes says the article is fake, first published by “World Net Daily Report” which is a parody site like the Onion.