POLL: Monsanto Third Most Hated Company in the World

Back in 2011, we declared Monsanto to be the worst company of the year for threatening both human health and the environment at large. Our decision was met with massive support, even amid the still growing climate of understanding when it came to what Monsanto and mega biotech at large were truly doing to the food supply. In 2014, however, the global resistance is making even greater strides.
Now, a relatively new poll from Nielsen found that Monsanto’s reputation ranked 3rd worst among 60 high-profile companies, right behind oil juggernaut BP (responsible for the worst oil spill in U.S. history) and Bank of America (known for being a key player in the meltdown of the financial market).
Monsanto, a major biotech corporation responsible for genetically modifying and taking over many of the nation’s crops, isn’t necessarily a consumer-facing company. Yet it faces public opposition unlike no other.
As reported by 247Wallst:
“3. Monsanto
> Reputation score: 57.27
> 2013 Reputation score: 61.70…few businesses have had such a long-running negative public perception. The company’s promotion of genetically modified organisms (GMOs) has been controversial because many consumers remain suspicious about crop engineering. Monsanto has also actively worked to protect seed patents, including suing farmers who have used its seeds without permission and proper payments. The company’s opposition to proposed GMO labeling laws, which require that foods sold to consumers containing GMOs include a label, has also not helped its image.”
The Many Reasons to Hate Monsanto
Numerous scientific studies have found Monsanto’s products, from GMO crops to top-selling pesticides, to be endangering the planet at an incredibly fast rate. It took Monsanto less than 2 decades to convert much of the nation’s crops to GMO, leading to 98% of corn and 94% of soy to be genetically modified – among other crops.
And with this genetic manipulation of our crops, we also have a host of studies demonstrating that Monsanto’s GMOs and Roundup herbicide (a top selling herbicide sprayed heavily on GMO crops) have been linked to numerous disease, including:
- Infertility
- Cell toxicity
- Birth defects
- Superweeds
- And much, much more.
What’s more, we already have a host of genetically modified crops contaminating organic farms. According to one survey, a third of organic growers are now reporting problems with cross contamination. More than 80% of farmers who participated in the survey are ‘concerned’ about the impact of genetic seeds. About 60% are ‘very concerned.’
But that isn’t all. Even those who know little about Monsanto may realize that the company puts forth tens of millions of dollars to strike down GMO labeling laws. This is an action that would cause anyone to be against the company, as 96% of the nation supports GMO labeling laws. GMOs maybe controversial, but we still want to know what ingredients are in our food – including those from GM sources.
Lastly, Monsanto seems committed to selling soybean seeds treated with neonicotinoids, a class of pesticides used to treat about 1/3 of the United States’ crops. Neonicotinoids are thought to be a leading cause of honeybee colony collapse disorder, or CCD. What’s worse, the Environmental Protection Agency just said that neonicotinoids do not improve crop yields.
According to the EPA, “in most cases there is no difference in soybean yield when soybean seed was treated with neonicotinoids versus not receiving any insect control treatment.”
Thanks to you, awareness of Monsanto’s actions become more well known every year. In 2011, we deemed them the worst company over the year, and now in 2014, a major poll from a different source found Monsanto to be the 3rd most hated company of the year. Perhaps next year Monsanto will rank #1, that is if it isn’t overrun by the power of the people.
Just yesterday, a $4 billion penalty was assessed to JPMorganChase, HBSC and Citibank among a few others for “currency trading” infractions. These big players never learn what is right and what is wrong, do they?
Google the story about the [FROG and the SCORPION] to better understand these “…big players…” as you call them. There’s nothing to learn. IT’S THEIR NATURE
Just for the record, The U.S.A. Corp. IS THE MOST HATED in the world already.
Sadly it went from a GREAT nation and symbol of freedom to being sadly pitied to being a laughing stock to now just plain despised and hated.
Many U.S. citizens have while traveling abroad, even worn Canadian flags etc…and designations from other countries also just to get service at some restaurants.
Many have felt that U.S.A. more appropriately stands for Utterly Stupid Americans. Many Americans themselves have expressed this also that stupid, non thinking citizens are becoming too abundant.
It is certainly not the people, but the REAL phantom government of the U.S. that is to blame for this shift.
But that said, the citizens of the U.S. allowed it to happen by being indifferent to truth and are apathetic, obsessed by more important things like sports and shopping.
Now the rest of the world’s people suffer also as American Corporations like Monsanto attempt to take over the world with the help of the U.S. military. People no longer distinguish between the good guys and the bad guys in the U.S.
The Constitution is there to PROTECT the people, as long as the people protected the Constitution, which sadly is not the case.
A nice set of Medical studies were done in SE Asia where hard water is most prevalent. Roundup complexes with the hard water ions and then gets trapped in the kidneys. Countries there, Maylasia possibly, have dramatic increases in kidney failure there. Just a word to the wise. TOXIC chemicals are just that. Grow your own folks. American agriculture (BIG players) be damned I say.
I’m kind of surprised to hear that. I live in Italy and Monsanto is DESPISED here and in Europe generally. Italy and its govt are of course 1000% corrupt, but Italians take food very, very seriously. 😉
Time to put pressure on the those Irish filth-politicians for allowing it, I’d say…
BP and Bank of America were not so much hated before, and given time both will recover.
Monsanto is the most hated not because of a single bad event like the others, but because they are evil.
No one ever really talks about the scummy business practices of Monsanto and if you have seen the documentary The world according to Monsanto you would understand what i mean…They destroy peoples lives and use intimidation and the money they have to buy the courts in their favor.. This alone MARKS who this company is. Its the outward indication of how very SCUMMY they are…the despicable behavior alone condemns them. SO if they do this to poor farmers what do you really think they are doing to you…
I boycott using an android app called Buycott… just search that name..it takes a bit to set up by adding campaigns to your app..but its so worth it…