Glyphosate Herbicide Found in 14 Popular Beer Brands from Germany

Want a round of Round Up with your beer? The German beer industry is in shock after finding that 14 different popular beer brands have traces of the ‘probably’ carcinogenic herbicide, glyphosate – an ingredient found in Monsanto’s best-selling weed killer, Round Up. Germany’s Agricultural minster is playing down the risks in order to save one of the countries’ best-selling exports.
Glyphosate levels were as high as 30 micrograms per liter, even in beer that is supposed to be brewed from only water, malt, and hops. This finding by the Munich Environmental Institute calls into question the rampant spraying of Round Up on both GMO and non-GMO crops around the world, and casts doubt upon Germany’s 500-year-old beer purity law.
The EU Commission was looking to extend approval for the use of glyphosate in Germany, and other EU countries in April for another 15 years. The current license runs out this summer.
Following the findings by France, that glyphosate is likely a human carcinogen, as well as the World Health Organization’s cancer research arm, the IARC, finding that glyphosate is a probable carcinogen, glyphosate in Germany’s coveted beer is not a positive discovery for the makers of this herbicide, which include companies like Monsanto.
Who is Responsible?
Germany’s farm federation has denied responsibility, saying that malt derived from glyphosate-sprayed barley has been banned. The group admits, though, that glyphosate could have been used on farms prior to the ban, meaning barley could still be grown in glyphosate-drenched soil.
The Bremen office of the brewery giant Anheuser-Busch described the institute’s findings as “not plausible,” citing a bill of health issued by Germany’s Federal Institute for Risk Assessment (BfR) that the amounts of glyphosate found in beer did not pose a threat to consumers. In a statement, the Institute said:
“An adult would have to drink around 1,000 liters (264 US gallons) of beer a day to ingest enough quantities to be harmful to health.”
As with other Big Ag deniers, they seem to forget that glyphosate exposure comes from multiple sources, aside from just contaminated beer.
Findings from Munich NGO
The Munich Environmental Institute found glyphosate readings between 0.46 and 29.74 micrograms per liter in 14 different popular beers.
The highest reading was 300 times the legal limit glyphosate in drinking water in Germany, calling this contamination level, “alarming.”
Additional Sources:
Glyphosate is a tactical herbicide. Look up the military manual, “MCRP 3-37C.” Titled, Flame, Riot Contol Agents and Herbicide Operations.
they found <30 micrograms/liter?? Haha!
At that rate, you'd have to drink 1.5 million cans to get a lethal dose! You'd die of alcohol poisoning long before the glyphosate had any effect.
So, where’s the list of the tainted brands?
Did you bother looking at the sourced article? There’s a photo with fourteen beers.
I looked at the source and they named 1 German beer. When writing an article don’t waste our time if you don’t include the brands. The best I could understand it was ALL German beers. I read another about Coke soda saying that it would clean stains in concrete, stains out of clothes and just all around cleaner. Tried it, all BS
So much for the Purity Act!
No drinking or eating for me!
These are the crops that are sprayed with RoundUp:
Monsanto Pre-staging Harvest Guide This PDF provides a list of crops that are “desiccated” prior to harvest with RoundUp or glyphosate: Wheat 6 Feed Barley .pg 8 Tame Oats. . pg 10 Canola .. pg 12 14 Peas . pg 16 Lentils .pg 18 Soybeans .pg 19 Dry Beans pg 20 and in Canada here:
If you even go looking for such evidence in the US, you will either lose your position, be denied grant money or lose your doctoral program.
Americans are required to dumb themselves down such as is going on in United States Federal Court Northern District of California , in Hardeman v. Monsanto, beginning February 25, 2019 , does Earl Lasker(Does he , really, why did he not use it in Dewayne Lee Johnson v. Monsanto ?) have anything new because Chhabria said Monsanto has to prove that
Glyphosate does not cause Waldenstrom’s Macroglobulinemia , and all other NHL’s ?
I am sure they could find much more of the “Known human carcinogen” ethanol in those German beers and any beer for that matter.
Except ethanol isn’t a carcinogen. The idea that it is just comes from people drawing the wrong conclusions from studies linking alcohol consumption to cancer. It is the glyphosate that causes the cancer, along with the liver disease.
Thanks for listing the beers that contain this supposed carcinogen! Oh wait…….. ‘_’
Everyone debating glyphosate is full of something making them come to opinions that they can state no basis for , whatsoever ! For instance take this opinion ” It Aint Glyphosate , it’s the Additives “, where are the basis ? Consider this . Judge Chhabria does not care that Monsanto on or before , consealing that date , before July 26, 2018 , Monsanto claims , that Monsanto replaced Polyethoxylated Tallow Amine with another surfactant , and I , that only Pro Se plaintiff out of thousands , infer that Monsanto made that replacement because Monsanto now knows that it is that surfactant(An additive that you debaters do not specifically address?) as which causes Non Hodgkins Lymphomas . I, as a Pro Se , am being ignored in my demands ! My wife actually believes , I do not , that this court will find which additive is causing cancer , Chhabria is not seeking that ! Where is there any proof , whatsoever, that 14 German beers which contain
glyphosate are a haelth hazard ,there is none , but , it would be very interesting for Monsanto attorneys to now use these beer drinking Roundup plaintiff’s , if there are any , against themselves , will Eric Lasker , Joe Hollingworths 2nd Hand , ask plaintiff’s if they ever drank any German beer containing Glyphosate and go on from there ? This Plaintiff , Ralph A. Applegate , does not recall drinking any German beer containing Glyphosate , a brand new question for me to ask ?
All of these are part of these stupid American debaters who can not state their basis because they are perfect just like Judge Vince Chhabria , they forgot that a basis is a requirement for any opinion .