Brain-Damaged Victims of Swine Flu Vaccine Win $63 Million Lawsuit

GlaxoSmithKline (GSK) is in the news again making headlines after having to settle another major lawsuit bringing the latest total to over $9.1 billion since 2003. This time, it is due to GSK’s product Pandemrix, which was the swine flu vaccine forced upon the public during the pandemic of 2009 (which is argued by some to have been fake). As the victims are being compensated in the U.K., the same neurological mechanisms that damaged the children in the lawsuit are still potentially at work in the confirmed excitotoxicity that takes place after many vaccine injections.
According to the International Business Times U.K. Edition, each of the victims is “expected to receive £1 million each.” Peter Todd, a lawyer who represented many of the claimants, told the Sunday Times (U.K.):
“There has never been a case like this before. The victims of this vaccine have an incurable and lifelong condition and will require extensive medication.”
Unfortunately for Peter Todd and the countless other victims, there has been cases like this before. Neurological damage from vaccines is not a rare occurrence. In fact, the U.S. government has paid out $3 billion and counting to families of vaccine-injured children. Most of which were due to direct neurological damage or complications arising from such damage.
According to The Global Research Project, the GlaxoSmithKline rap sheet states:
“In recent years, GlaxoSmithKline has become known as the company that pays massive amounts to resolve wide-ranging charges brought by U.S. regulators and prosecutors.
These included a $750 million payment relating to the sale of adulterated products from a facility in Puerto Rico and a record $3 billion in connection with charges relating to illegal marketing, suppression of adverse safety research results and overcharging government customers. The company also set a record for the largest tax avoidance settlement with the U.S. Internal Revenue Service.”
If GlaxoSmithKline wasn’t afforded legal and financial government protection status, they would have went under years ago. However, this corporate zombie still damages populations with little oversight and deep pockets to pay for any legal or ethical challenges that get in the way.
Currently, GlaxoSmithKline, Merck, and other pharmaceutical houses were influential in the attempted passing of California Senate Bill 277 to remove the “parental opposition” that was slowing their product’s revenue stream. What wasn’t disclosed during the senate hearing, or vote following, was that the bill’s author Richard Pan had financial ties to GlaxoSmithKline and Merck.
In a fair legal system, this should immediately disqualify the bill and bring serious moral and ethical challenges to Pan’s legitimacy. Fortunately, due to an onslaught of parents and other citizens, SB277 is currently stalled leaving Richard Pan with lots of explaining and little integrity to fall back on.
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Photo from: IB
It’s obvious that they pay out money they’ll likely get back. If these injured parties require medication to last the end of their days, this same company is likely to manufacture it. It’s a win/win for the corporation and a lose/lose for the injured party.
How sad and predicted
Wait, I thought vaccine companies couldn’t be sued?
In America pharma companies cannot be sued. Seems fair and equitable doesn’t it?
Actually, they can be sued – once a plaintiff has gone through the Vaccine Court, if they are unsatisfied with the results, they can sue in Civil Court.
a la they break your bank before you can sue or pay you off. The system is designed in their favor….
A great example that shows that you have no idea how the Vaccine Court operates – plaintiff’s legal fees are paid by the Court, regardless of the outcome….
Really? Cite one case please.
Odd that this article doesn’t mention what the actual condition associated with the lawsuit. Guess it sounds more sensational that way. Had to dig a little deeper. The undesired effect was nacrolepsy, occurring in 60 people, out of 60 Million that received the vaccine. That’s 0.0001%. The prevalence of narcolepsy in the general population is 0.05%. Considering the swine flu killed over 18,000 people, the risks should be put in perspective. Those affected deserve the best care and attention of course, and further study should be done to determine the mechanism by which the unintended effects came to be.
This is one of the many law firms specializing in vaccine damage lawsuits. The Vaccine Injury Court has handed out over 3 $billion in damages since inception and it is pretty difficult to win in this court where judges are hand picked and not necessarily having legal backgrounds.
These are just the people that ‘got lucky’ and were on the THIS lawsuit. The reporting of vaccine injury is 1 in 10 at best.
Even ONE child is too many? I would agree — even ONE child dying of a vaccine-preventable malady is one too many, in this day in age and with all of the tools and knowledge available to date.
GSK should be sued out of existence! Never to be seen again!
Sounds to me like all vaccine should be at the parents descretion
Since I am a senior citizen I recall getting measles and the mumps ect because our parents sent us to play with kids who had them and knew that getting them younger was better. We all got these childhood diseases and we all lived and yet, none of us remember anyone with autism at that time!!!
Take Vitamin C to boost immune system and increase the number of white blood cells
Take Zinc lozenges, it boosts the immune system as soon the symptoms develop.
Colloidal silver kills viruses.
Take Garlic capsules to decrease de growth of the virus.
Make a tea mixing:
1 tsp. bayberry bark.
1 tsp. grated ginger root.
½ tsp. cayenne powder.
1 cup of boiling water.
Let it sit for 20 minutes.
Take “cold and flu” tablets this homeopathic preparation has help people avoid getting infected with the flu virus by taking 1 tablet a day throughout the flu season.
Take arsenicum album if thirsty but feel better drinking warm fluids, lack of appetite, body aches, and feel worse during the night.
Take bryonia if cough, throat and chest pain, dry mouth and lips, very thirsty.
Mix two tablespoons of vinegar, one tablespoon of honey, and one cup of warm water each morning. This may prevent and kill microbes. THIS WORKS!!!!!!! AND IT WON’T LEAVE YOU PARALYZED OR DEAD !!!!!!! AND THE PHARMACEUTICAL COMPANIES HATE THIS LOL WHAT A BUNCH OF GREEDY BASTARDS !!!
Well Mr. Pan has a facebook page, let him know how you feel, I did
When will the people wake up and force the vaccine manufacturers to make our vaccines safe for all?