1. Risperdal is a cousin of Zyprexa and Seroquel.

    PTSD treatment for Veterans found ineffective.

    Risperdal and Eli Lilly Zyprexa can cause diabetes.

    This is a powerful drug that can damage a young person physiologically for life.

    Please take with caution and learn as much as you can about side effects.

    *FIVE at FIVE* The Zyprexa antipsychotic drug,whose side effects can include weight gain and diabetes, was sold for "children in foster care, people who have trouble sleeping, elderly in nursing homes.

    *Five at Five* was the Zyprexa sales rep slogan, meaning *5mg dispensed at 5pm would keep patients quiet*.

    WARNING- If a drug Risperdal (Zyprexa) lists anything about the pancreas among the side effects, it probably means it can cause diabetes.

    Risperdal,Zyprexa is glorified Thorazine at ten times the price.

    — Daniel Haszard Zyprexa victim activist.

    FMI zyprexa-victims(dot)com

    1. The legal system is more all messed up than the medical system. The one billion is going to the government that was put in place for the purpose of atempted protection of the citizens. They grab the money however the drugging continues. This is the insanity. A childs brain will not be fully developed until the age of 25.

      1. Dave Mowers says:

        The "one billion" goes entirely to pay contract legal agencies and law firms that assisted the government in its' case, don't believe me? Call the Justice Department and ask them the names of private firms that assisted and you will find that they only bother to collect the money due politically-connected law firms. Legislators don't even write bills anymore, a team of paid-for-by-tax-payers outside counsel draft, amend, research and submit ALL legislation. Don't believe it? Call your local representative's office and see how ripped off we are daily.

    2. Rita Drechsel says:

      This explains a lot to me. Mom was on Risperdal

      way back in 1999. I feel awful that I put her through that, but had no way of knowing the dangers….I just accepted what the doc said. I feel so very sad now…I was the one person she was depending on…

  2. This drug is used to keep seniors sedated as well. My mother was in Hospice when the Drs kept giving her Risperdal. She was extremely uncomfortable, started having awful hallucinations, could not rest comfortably, and even writhed in her sleep. I noted (and informed the nurse) the Risperdal was specifically formulated to "Not Be Pleasant" in order to avoid abuse. Well, it is certainly not pleasant. I had to twist some arms to get her off the stuff, after which she was made comfortable with morphine until she passed. Screw pharma.

  3. Why should governments get anything?

  4. l.mccarty@sbcglobal. says:

    So, considering their profits from the sale of their poisons that kill, $1 billion is just a slap on the wrist.

  5. Sama K Lama says:

    How best to detox Risperdal Consta injections from the brain? Not sure of it’s ingredients though!

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