1. Anonymous says:

    Meanwhile drug companies profit on the deaths of these individuals and push aspirin as a life saver. No thanks!

  2. Anonymous says:

    I haven't taken aspirin or similar medications in years, natural alternatives are safer & more effective.

  3. lokomotiv says:

    there was even more recent news on aspirin that prevents colon cancer and few other cancers if taken regularly for years. i dunno, which is a good idea ??

    1. I'd recommend staying away from it, it's well-documented that drugmakers sponsor studies to promote the usage. It's called Pharma Bias.

      1. lokomotiv says:

        what are you talking about ? aspirin is natural substance found in willow bark, how is it really pharmaceutical ?

        1. lokomotiv, aspirin is not natural. Aspirin is modified salicylic acid. It's named "acetylsalicylic acid." Basically Aspirin is a semi synthetic derivative of salicylic acid from willow bark just like how heroin is a semi-synthetic derivative of morphine from the poppy plant.

          1. Or how hydrocodone, oxycodone, naloxone, and buprenorphine are semi-synthetic derivatives of "thebaine," the most poisonous alkaloid from the poppy plant.

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