1. Stop using these products immediately.

    We have already heard of numerous horror stories involving the CPS (Child Protective Services) and they need no occasion for doing their nefarious color-of-law actions. Only 10% of children abducted by the CPS ever return.

  2. What about meconium? (the infant's first stools) Most hospitals I've worked at do not test infant urine. It's meconium that gets the drug screen.

  3. Why are they testing infants for something so harmless?

  4. So how many adults who use these products have tested positive and lost their jobs?

  5. Or it could be that the lady washing all of these babies is high as a kite.

  6. Arrest those babies who dare break the law. Who the hell is testing babies for weed anyway? At any rate put them on probation and piss test them on a regular basis. These little bastards are whats wrong with America! Please just make marijuana legal and end this madness. Peace.

  7. Second hand smoke says:

    Well if the baby isn't on drugs yet,it will be by the time its ten or so.This baby got tested for drugs so obviously it was a problem baby.It starts with smoking the soap,then they snort bathsalts and eat faces.Such babies are a portent of the crazy times ahead.Yep.

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