1. blank Patti Jo Edwards says:

    The solution may be community – to unite, each with their own passionate focus as the 99.99% against the .01%. I combined three concerns that I believe are backed by the same insane people: Fracking, GMO and GeoEngineering into a song. All of these things are killing us and laying waste our planet. Here is the link to the YouTube Video. Please, share and inform that we may unite and work toward the common good. http://youtu.be/vPpCACPq6-8

  2. Proof that pushing GMO is not just a commercial act to make more profit. In a docu years ago, cornseeds were found to be spread among native ancestor corn fields. Bags sometimes laying on the side of the road. Once contaminated the death of that specific variety is almost certain. There are no nutrients in GMO corn, Mercola claims. So what is at stake? Higher levels of glyphosate/roundup spraying have been approved of. Lithium has been found to be sprayed in the air by launcing rockets. Why did i ever even bother to go to school when not only sacred knowledge is beyond my human capacity of understanding, but this whole world. All learned disproven or false. Western History as learned in schools never happened.

  3. blank Solange S. says:

    I was under the impression that GM crops were not able to reproduce, so that farmers had to continue to buy seeds from the companies selling them year after year, and so they could not store any of their own seed. This was also listed as the cause of many farmers in India committing suicide. Perhaps it varies with the type of crop?

    1. Actually GMO seeds can reproduce and Monsanto just won a Supreme Court case to prevent farmers from saving their seed.
      "the Supreme Court today ruled unanimously that an Indiana soybean farmer violated the company’s patent by saving its trademark Roundup Ready seeds.
      Every time a farmer buys seeds from Monsanto, she or he must sign a contract agreeing not to save seeds from the crop. "

  4. I wonder, are they eating this in Israel too?
    That's why the Clinton's eat vegetables out of their own yard?
    I can imagine they can have good poultry, meat and fresh milk flown in.
    Just like the Reagan's had special meat delivered.
    Heard the royals in the Netherlands are doing that too.
    But it is okay for the people to eat the junk.
    But hey, they have to breath the air too.
    Obama got a lot of money for his election from Monsanto.
    Other people in the government received a lot of money from Monsanto.
    It is unbelievable what these people are doing to our world.

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