New Dirty Dozen: 12 Fruit and Vegetables to Always Buy Organic, Plus the Clean 15

For the eighth year in a row, the Environmental Watch Group (EWG) has published an updated ‘shopper’s guide’ based on a comprehensive analysis of government pesticide testing data of 45 different fruit and vegetables. The guide includes the ‘dirty dozen:’ the twelve foods most commonly contaminated with pesticides, as well as the ‘clean fifteen:’ the fifteen least contaminated foods.
This year the dirty dozen also includes a ‘plus’ category, warning about two foods containing particularly concerning organophospates, insecticides that are known reproductive and neurotoxins. The use of organophosphates have been significantly reduced in the past decade, but is yet to be banned, and this year, a number of crops still tested positive.
Also new this year, researchers investigated the pesticide content of 190 samples of baby food, with rather alarming results.
As the EWG simply and frankly reminds us, ‘Pesticides are toxic by design. They are created expressly to kill living organisms — insects, plants, and fungi that are considered “pests.” Many pesticides pose health dangers to people. These risks have been established by independent research scientists and physicians across the world.”
The U.S. and international government agencies have linked pesticides to health problems spanning brain and nervous system toxicity, cancer, hormonal disruption and skin, eye and lung irritation. However, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), under pressure from The American Crop Protection Association, largely representative of the pesticide industry, has failed to apply adequate protective measures in regulating our food supply. One might well ask whether it is wiser to protect a country’s crops or its population.
The Dirty Dozen
Without further ado, the dirty dozen:
- Apples
- Celery
- Sweet bell peppers
- Peaches
- Strawberries
- Nectarines (imported)
- Grapes
- Spinach
- Lettuce
- Cucumbers
- Blueberries (domestic)
- Potatoes
Plus 2 more to add to the dirty dozen:
- Green beans
- Kale/Collard Greens
Going into a little more detail for the dirty dozen, 100 percent of imported nectarines tested positive for pesticides, as well as 98% of apples and 96% of plums. Grapes had 15 pesticides in a single sample, while blueberries and strawberries each had 13. As an entire category, grape samples contained 64 different pesticides; bell peppers had 88 different residues, cucumbers 81 and lettuce 78.
The Clean Fifteen
And the clean fifteen:
- Onions
- Sweet corn
- Pineapples
- Avocado
- Cabbage
- Sweet peas
- Asparagus
- Mangoes
- Eggplant
- Kiwi
- Cantaloupe (domestic)
- Sweet Potatoes
- Grapefruit
- Watermelon
- Mushrooms
Highlights of the clean fifteen include pineapples, in which fewer than 10% of samples contained pesticides, mangoes and kiwis, both of which were completely free of pesticides more than 75% of the time, and watermelon and domestic cantaloupe over 60% of the time. Among vegetables, no samples of sweet corn and onions had more than one pesticide and more than 90% of cabbage, asparagus, sweet peas, eggplant and sweet potato samples contained no more than one pesticide.
One additional concern to consider: sweet corn, although it may contain less pesticide residues, is quite commonly genetically modified in the U.S. While genetically modified organisms (GMO) are banned or significantly restricted in Australia, Japan and throughout the European Union, the industry is still at large in the U.S., and no labeling is required by the federal government. For this reason, it is recommended that sweet corn consumption also be limited to organic.
Among baby food, green beans and pears were especially disturbing: almost 10% of green beans contained the organophosphate methamidiphos in amounts that could easily increase risk for brain and nervous system damage in infants consuming a four-ounce serving of green beans on a regular basis. 92% of pear samples tested positive for at least one pesticide and over a quarter of samples contained five or more, including iprodione, categorized by the EPA as a probable human carcinogen, and not registered for use on pears. In fact, the presence of iprodione in pears of any kind constitutes a violation of FDA regulations and the federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act.
While there is no question that Americans need to eat more fruits and vegetables, it’s worth taking an extra step to make sure that produce is delivering the nutrition it’s supposed to, and nothing it’s not. Pause for a moment. Want some neurotoxins with that salad? I didn’t think so.
Additional Sources:
What if fruits and vegetables could be genetically modified so that they would be pest (but not pesticide) resistant? What is the downside to GMO produce that did not require the use of any pesticides at all? Yes, I know there are other options as well.
leave it to a 'BOB' to lack the education for such a response
dude..go be in nature for a while or sumthin'
From what I understand about GMO is that the seed has been made so that it contains pesticides in it. So basicly when you bite into corn although the pesticides aren't on the outside they have been created on the inside. I was told simply that when you take a bite you are eating pesticide. Something like that I think.
Dear Eliot,
the downside is that "pest resistant" GMOs simply generate the same pesticides in their own metabolism, so you will stick to eat these pesticides, not only from the surface of the produce, but from the very substance, that gets poisonous in itself. Furthermore, the resistance genes spread out to other organisms uncontrollably, so even more pesticide is generated in the biosphere. Uncontrollably other species are influenced or go extinct, while the original target pest develps resistance against the pesticide.
Great artcile for awareness. As much as I hate to ask this for fear of hurting what American farmers are left, do you have a list of the best (cleanest)countries that we import these fruits and veggies from that use the smallest amounts of pesticides?
You MUST be US American! That kind of arrogance…
In fact, you can't import these to the US. That's because no one who has food wants US Dollars, and that is because the US does not make anything anybody needs. And the war option is out of question: the US even didn't 'prevail' in extracting the oil out of Iraq, don't think the US would in a veggy war.
If you want clean food, you will have to kick ass your own government and megacorps and have it grown @ your home.
There is a simple solution to the pesticide problem in foods. All of our land based foods are grown on demineralized soils. Demineralized soils lead to demineralized plants. Demineralized plants radiate a frequency that attracts pests. Pests locate these plants using there antennae. Once you remineralize your soil plants broadcast an entirely different frequency. This frequency is not attractive to plant pests.
By this time you are probably wondering if it is this simple why haven't farmers remineralized their soils? That is a good question which demands an answer (and there is an answer) but that is for another time.
If you are interested in exploring this topic further google William A Albrecht and you can purchase a copy of "Hands on Agronomy" by Neal Kinsey from Acres USA.
Thanks so much for sharing this information.
i don't understand why the list of fruits and veggies with pesticides is so vague.
'sweet' bell pepper. imo all colors of bell pepper are sweet…so is it ALL of them?
and lettuce..wth??? c'mon!! JUST lettuce? there are different kinds. are you telling us all that your list means ALL types of lettuce?
you were a bit specific with the nectarines but nothing else. what's up with that??
All bell peppers are actually the same, it just depends on when they are picked. They are first green then turn yellow to orange and finally turn red when they are fully ripe.
I read that the general rule is if the fruit or vegetable is "soft" skinned, you need to get organic…if it has a "tough" or thick skin, it is ok to be non-organic…that would explain why "lettuce"….b/c ALL lettuce is "soft" or thin skinned….and sweet peppers as well.
this is awesomely good and a little wrong