The Toxic Ingredient in Most Consumer Products Causing Breast Cancer

Toxic ingredients in the food supply are increasingly being recognized as a threat by individuals worldwide, but many people continue to overlook the significance of harmful substances within consumer products such as shampoo or deodorant. The fact is, however, that nearly all mainstream consumer products contain a multitude harmful ingredients. One such class of chemicals has recently been found in 99 percent of breast cancer patients in a recent study.
The Toxic Ingredient Causing Breast Cancer
The recent study, conducted by researchers from the University of Reading and the University Hospital of South Manchester, examined 40 women who were undergoing breast cancer treatment. After taking four tissue samples from each of the 40 women, the researchers found that 99 percent of the samples contained at least one paraben, while 60 percent contained five. Even 7 of the 40 women had parabens in their tissue samples despite never using underarm deodorant — a main source of parabens.
Needless to say, parabens are not the only threats hiding in consumer products. Two very common ingredients widely recognized for causing harm to health are triclosan and triclocarban. Used as antibacterial agents, triclosan and triclocarban are endocrine disrupting chemicals known for causing bodily harm. Endocrine disruptors have been found to lead to a host of health problems including infertility, cancer, weight gain and more. This hormonal interference may also be responsible for accelerating puberty and altering the growth of children, causing hormonal confusion. Tricolsan is also threatening due to its process of breaking down into dioxins – a class of chemicals that are well-documented carcinogens.
These toxic substances, along with many others, are in the products we use every single day:
- Deodorant
- Shampoo
- Soaps
- Shaving gel or cream
- Toothpaste
- Make-up
- Colognes and perfumes
In addition to avoiding these substances, you will also want to look out for titanium dioxide, zinc chloride, and mercury – all residing in consumer products. Some of these chemicals such as zinc chloride are even labeled as environmentally toxic, harmful to human health, and corrosive according to the Material Data Safety Sheet.
Please give us a list of companies that DON'T use these toxic substances in their products. It's becoming impossible to sort through the madness.
Yes, a list would be great. I just had a mamogram but I really don't trust it. I am even scared to get one.
Mammograms are dangerous as well as uncomfortable. Check out the current info on the web; mammograms do increase the incidence of breast cancer. Google it.
Thermograms, an old form of medical testing, using infra-red cameras to detect early indications of breast cancer. There is no radiation and no actual physical contact with either the device or the trained operator of the camera.
Thermograms have been found to detect earlier and more reliably than mammograms with no radiation and no false positives.
We need an outcry for our insurance companies to support thermography instead of mammograms, don't we?
A pretty good rule of thumb is, if it's made by a company that generally sells in a major supermarket, don't buy it.
If it's sold at Whole Foods or another natural foods store, it's probably not got any of these nasties in it. It's more expensive, yes, but a whole lot less expensive than cancer.
So true! But read labels even in health food stores. Not everything they carry is non toxic, but safer than the grocery and drug stores. Ask the sales person if you are in doubt, or check the ingredients on, or make your own like I do:)
I don't trust Whole Foods! They've admitted that many of their products contain GMOs!!!
I've discovered that many products in health food stores are TOXIC. I have MCS and have no choice but to be informed and read labels. We're being duped in the health food stores. They sell things under the guise of organic/natural and then people believe its safe. Many products that are unfragranced are that way because a chemical was used to mask the fragrance. It's all a money game. I'm down to one or two shampoos I can handle, Dr. Bronner's soaps are very safe for MCS individuals. I have to always go with the lesser of two evils because most products are toxic even when the advertise they are chemical free. For a facial scrub, I use baking soda and water. My skin is flawless and I use no creams (since one year ago). It's because of my diet which is nothing processed. I use whole food vitamins, not synthetic ones. Good luck in the madness. We really are being slowly poisoned to death.
Even our babies are born with a myriad of poisons already in their systems! So sad for mankind that we are allowing a few large chemical companies to take our future away from us!
OK this article lists all the facts about the products we use, however it does not offer alternatives or suggests a natural substitute for each of those things, so It is impossible to avoid all these things without knowing what shall I use instead.
Even the briefest search of the scientific literature slows that articles of this website are riddled with half-truths. For example the scary stuff written about titanium dioxide and trichlosan. Just read the well-referenced articles on Wikipedia and check the original references.