Study Combines Turmeric with Big Pharma Drug to Kill Cancer Cells

According to Medical News Today, a new study paired
“Although thalidomide disturbs the microenvironment of tumor cells in bone marrow, it disintegrates in the body. Curcumin, also active against cancers, is limited by its poor water solubility. But the combination of thalidomide and curcumin in the hybrid molecules enhances both the cytotoxicity and solubility,” says the study’s author Shijun Zhang, of the Department of Medicinal Chemistry at the VCU School of Pharmacy.
This is good news, right? Multiple myeloma is the cancer of plasma cells. It’s relatively uncommon and has a survival rate of about 45% 5-years after diagnosis. Finding a solution for this cancer would be ideal, of course. But the new study may not be “all good.”
Anti-nausea drug thalidomide was taken off the market in 1962. It was initially approved in the 1950s, but was removed when it was found to carry the risk of “severe, life-threatening birth defects.” In the late 1990s, it was resurrected as a treatment for multiple myeloma. It still carries frightening warning labels and advisories despite its use.
On the other hand,
Coincidentally, this isn’t the first study to link
There is ample evidence that
When a food with radical medical potential begins to gain ground in the scientific community, it seems something always happens to bring conventional pharmaceuticals back into the circle. And with a new study from Virginia Commonwealth University Massey Cancer Center, it appears that’s what may be happening to
My mother died due to complications with multiple myeloma. Myeloma typically occurs in older people. The fact that thalidomide can cause birth defects may be of some concern, but certainly isn’t as high of concern the older a person gets. Thalidomide was the most successful treatment they ever used and did get rid of cancer. But, it was not long lasting and the cancer would come back. My mother was stuck with treatments that her insurance and medicare would pay for and no natural solutions were offered. If this treatment was offered today she would have accepted and I would have agreed. You must understand the excruciating miserable pain a myeloma patient endures. Often frequent and multiple compound broken bones. The most horrible pain I have ever seen my mother in. Death was the only relief she found, but maybe this treatment would have worked. I’m usually for all natural, but, you know, not all technology is evil.
what kind of cancer is myeloma? (what affects?) I am sorry i don’t know much about it.
I am sorry about your mom, It is horrible to have someone you love suffering so much. My father to died of cancer and he did suffer a lot.