Psychological Food Advertisements Influence Children more than Parents

According to new research, food advertisements may have more influence over the decisions of children than their parents. In fact, researchers found parental disapproval of junk food only resulted in 13% less children picking junk food full of synthetic chemicals and genetically modified ingredients.
The study included parents who were advised to read a script which directed their child either to avoid or eat the junk food. To monitor the results, the children were then offered coupons for both apple slices and french fries. Among the children who viewed the commercial for the fast food fries, 71% chose the coupon for the fast food fries over the apple splices if their parents did not intervene. If the children were encouraged to choose the healthy food by their parents, that number only dropped to 55%.
Similar reactions were observed in children who viewed the apple slices commercial. In fact, 46% of children opted for french fries even after viewing the apple slices commercial if their parents were neutral, and 33% picked the coupon for fries after their parents instructed them to pick the apple slices.
The Powerful Psychological Influence of Food Advertisements over Children
The results of the study detail the extreme influence of food advertisements over children worldwide. The complex new marketing techniques deeply impacting the developing brains of young children are solely put into action in order to sell a wide array of products and food items. This is why nations like South Korea have banned junk food ads during prime time television, where 1/3 of all food advertisements were for toxic junk food products like fast food, high-sugar sweets, and instant noodles.
Children are conditioned to desire nutrient-starved processed food products thanks to the market initiatives of major companies pushing these foods on young children whose bodies are still developing. These foods are oftentimes loaded with mercury-filled high-fructose corn syrup, artificial sweeteners like aspartame, and genetically modified foods which have been linked to DNA damage.
Fortunately, there is a feasible solution. Despite the millions spent by fast food megacorporations annually, educating children as to the dangers of toxin-tainted junk food is an effective way to ensure that they do not choose to consume it — regardless of whether or not they are exposed to these powerful fast food ads.
How Parents can Beat the Fast Food Industry
Food advertisements oftentimes educate children more than their own parents when it comes to what they put in their mouths. Of course they deliver disinformation to their developing brains, but many parents simply do not consider educating their young child on the truth about the food supply. Parents, or anyone interested in informing children, can overcome the junk food megacorporations by simply beating them to the punch.
Informing children about toxic additives, harmful pharmaceuticals, and the advertising tricks of the fast food industry will equip them with the knowledge they need to see the truth behind the marketing. In addition, taking your child away from the television set can not only add hours to their lives, but will significantly reduce the onslaught of highly-targeted junk food ads that they are hyper-exposed to on a daily basis. Start the teachings for your child very early, and see how much of an impact you really have.