1. blank michael steen says:

    Aids is sexually transmitted, it has absolutely nothing to do with stress. If you can't find reliable journalists to write your articles, don't post anything at all.

    1. Yes, I think that a person's low self-esteem or negative thinking or emotional messes leads them to take more risks in their lives, meaning more open to alcohol, drugs, tons and tons of sex and one night stands, to somehow conceal or placate those emotional hells. . . . and there's where DISEASE comes into the picture…. it's not that simply by having negative thoughts one will get HIV or other illness, but rather it's the EFFECT of such a state of mind….

    2. AIDS (not Aids) is not transmitted. It is an acronym for “Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome” which develops from exposure to the HIV virus, which IS transmitted by means other than sexual activity. Transfusion patients and even newborn infants can be exposed to the virus, and develop AIDS, though not all do, just as not all sexual encounters with an HIV-positive person will result in AIDS. Other source of infection can be shared needles by drug users, a contaminated razor blade that nicks your skin, mother’s milk, kissing a person with bleeding gums. Google “How AIDS is transmitted” before snarking about “reliable journalists”.

  2. blank Michelle O'Connor says:

    I feel that the author was refering to the notion that stress stresses the immune system and therefore encourages the body to develop AIDS from HIV. I agree with you though, it should have been worded differently. This article makes it appear that you can contracts AIDS/HIV from stress.

  3. Yes, poorly written article. Cristina Sarich is the writer who posted another article on this site about garden tools being used as weapons and it was very misleading. Ms. Sarich – please be more careful with what you say if you want to be good at your job.

  4. blank Gertrude van Voorden says:

    In the Netherlands they now propose to reduce the age of girls given the HPV vaccination to 9 years old. As 12 year old girls protest too much, not wanting the vaccination. They believe that with 9 year olds the parents will make the decision and apparently expect parents to be compliant and unaware of the dangers. The vaccine apparently only protects for a short while and the possible disease heals itself, possibly making you even stronger against a next time you get it.

  5. blank Gertrude van Voorden says:

    Another research proved positive thinking does not work. It is people who have realistic thoughts that are more happy and successful.

  6. "The Mind Is A Battle Field." Our thought pattern (negative or positive) and how we react to the thought pattern and situations in our lives effects our bodies in more ways than one. It is important to be "balanced" in your thinking and feeling in order to maintain a healthy body and lifestyle. Positive thinking is very important to maintain "balance" and "live a long and healthy life." Be mindful of your thinking on a daily basis and start thinking more positive thoughts throughout your daily experiences and life. Look to the positive reaction to situation than looking to the negative aspects of the situation in which you are encountering because in time this situation shall pass. However, the affects it leaves in the mind and body are longer lasting. Be kind to yourself and remember to look to the positive thoughts first and reactions to situations you are presently encountering and your health and body will thank-you in the process.
    Linda — VLCNW Student

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