1. blank fromaway46 says:

    “In 2014, tens of millions of bees were found dead in Ontario Canada, just days after a planting of genetically modified corn”. My question is how does a planting of corn seed into the ground days before kill millions of bees? Is it normal behavior for millions of bees to burrow into the ground to eat corn seed?

    1. Maybe they planted corns that were already growing. You know, the same way you plant flowers after buying them from home depot.

      Maybe they purchased a few thousand batch of GMO corns from Monsanto’s lab and planted them in the farm.

      Did you read the second sentence?

      “Ontario’s The Post reported that the crops were sprayed with neonicotinoids produced by Bayer CropScience.”

      Got it?

      1. Not all of it was engineered to produce its own toxins. Much of it was produced to survive the use of roundup. Perhaps they sprayed heavily with roundup when planting, and the bees were exposed when they came into contact with the existing vegetation that was sprayed.

  2. blank dennisandconniegomez says:

    do it NOW!!!!!

  3. However, as Snopes* was quick to point out, the GMO crops themselves remain ‘unproven’ to be the cause of colony collapse. What is more likely, according to the site, is that “the neonicotinoid pesticides are coating corn seeds, and with the use of new air seeders, are blowing pesticide dust into the air when planted.” Either way, it is due to unsustainable farming methods that bees are dying in rapid numbers.

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