1. blank Timothy Milhomme says:

    Plenty of evidence it is very harmful to humans

  2. This all depends on how you pick your studies. Harvard published one a number of years ago that showed postmenopausal women that consumed 8 parts per million of fluoride daily were LESS prone to osteoporosis, but you don’t see the ‘natural’ websites broadcasting this.
    Another thing to remember is that fluoride is cheap, so some of the anti-fluoride rhetoric that’s out there is ‘pushed’ by the pharmaceutical companies that don’t make any money from it.

    1. Ever notice that folks who pump out the company line never allow their identity discosed? You wouldn’t be a troll right? Because poison is cheap does not make it good to treat people with it. And, what was that correct dose for osteoporosis? Amazing, I did not know it was due to a shortage of floride.

      1. Calcium supplementation by itself is not sufficient; phosphorous is the important ingredient. Lots of poorly designed studies, even from ‘prestigious’ outfits.
        As to your comment about ‘poison’, talk to any pharmacologist and they will say any chemical is a poison in enough concentration.
        BTW, troll must have some new meaning to you.

        1. Nice try. Your original post was defending fluoridation. Your suggestion was that it was good for postmenopausal women. It is poison. No one knows the safe dose. The US has now lowered the recommended amount to be added to the water supply. It should be eliminated altogether. It’s worse than useless. Your tooth paste tube warns you not to swallow it – because it contains fluoride. Stop swallowing.

  3. blank Drifter12 says:

    Please keep things in proportion…Chemtrails are the real danger…

  4. blank Oor Wullie says:

    What is new? More pertinently who is paying for this toxic additive to the mains’ water supply. Try bringing this mass medication feature to the Health Secretary to see what happens?

  5. All halides compete for iodine receptors. Fluoride and chlorine are halides. Not good.
    The only halide that belongs in the human body is iodine.

    1. @RO. I agree. Check your bread some time. They now add bromine, another nasty halide. In the past our salt and bakery products had iodine. It’s especially needed in the great lakes states where you don’t get enough iodine naturally. We supplement with Survival Shield.

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