1. blank KSfarmgirl says:

    Roundup is a useful tool when used responsibly. Herbicides are a safe way to control weeds within a field. Other options would be manual labor. (Person with a "corn knife" hacking out weeds. Which is how I spent my summer mornings as a child.) Or tillage, which would require frequent passes through a field, burning copious amounts of fuel. Both options are expensive, and one isn't exactly environmentally friendly.

    The problem happens when there are abuses of products. (Which happens with all aspect of life, think of people being given antibiotics for a virus, or not taking the full course of antibiotics when sick.)

    Quite honestly this isn't Monsanto's fault any more than antibiotic-resistant bugs are the pharmaceutical company's fault. This is a case of poor management and usage of an affordable and useful tool.

    One of the "superweeds" is waterhemp (Amaranthus rudis). It is a pigweed that has an incredible ability to adapt, and MASSIVE seed production. So one resistant waterhemp can produce millions of resistant offspring. The goal in most farmer's fields is to control these weeds with a variety of tools when they are little and easy to eradicate. Obviously this doesn't always happen. Whether the weather doesn't cooperate with getting out in the field, or the field gets sprayed a week late, sometimes the weed doesn't die, leading to resistance.

    1. The above comments, are quite literaly Monsanto paid commentaries. The truth is that sustainable farming multi-income paths which organic farmers now use to employ more people, regenerate their soils with no toxic herbicides, chemical fertilizers being washed into our waterways and causing dead zones inland and in the ocean. Dr.Monsanto Frankenstein really came to life with several brothers, Dr. Dow F., Dr. Basf F.. On GMOs rodents are smarter than our scientists, they avoid GM seeds when given an alternative! GM plants, seeds are toxic to our animals. But reports are kept out of print. Lets get rid of Monsanto plants,especially on our bulletin boards and expose them.

      1. blank Tita Gascoin says:

        I agree with Nonkon. Also, Monsanto plants are sterile, in other words, one can no longer obtain seeds from the fruit. This is to dominate food production and ultimately the control of population so dear to Mr. Gates.

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