Monsanto Propaganda Defeats Monumental GMO Labeling Bill

Perhaps most amazing to me is the fact that just $550 of the $22 million donated to fighting the GMO labeling initiative actually came from Washington citizens. To put that into perspective, that’s around .0025% of the total finances. The rest, actually came from the Grocery Manufacturers Association, Monsanto, DuPont Pioneer, Dow AgroSciences and Bayer CropScience — the same corporations who are actively dominating the food supply with all forms of genetically modified varieties.
Monsanto right now is backed against a corner like a stray animal, fighting with mass amounts of the almighty dollar in order to survive for just a few moments longer. Even the mainstream media now has been forced to reveal Monsanto’s ugly head in light of the Washington voting initiative.
Overall, it is not time to lose morale in the fight for the reclamation of our food, but instead to voice another rallying cry as the beast that is Monsanto begins to truly show how desperate it really is.
Isn’t Monsanto money US taxpayer bailout money.. ?
If they go bust again Obama and his gang will just do another US taxpayer bailout.
Thank you Anthony!!!
While I hoped and prayed that it would pass, I really knew it wouldn’t fly…not a public vote. There is way too much voter fraud working against us along with the propaganda!
This is why we should focus on buying whole foods instead, that way they will become cheeper
Why are you so concerned about genetic modification? Say you label GMOs Great. But conventional food laced with agro-poisons still proliferate. Of the two threats, which is worse: a few extra genes, or tons of poison?
It’s not over yet. I got an email from the Yes on 522 people about an hr. ago and it said they are gaining ground!! Pls. let’s hope Wash. got it right!!
if washington votes to not label it will tarnish their “progressive” standing in the eyes of the country and needless to say, extremely disappointing it doesn’t matter how much monsanto, etc. spends to lie, people know what’s right in their hearts and minds.
Justin Hahn is another, sadly, misinformed individual. Obviously, he knows nothing about the true threat of GMO crops….IE; Round up and Bt and what effects those toxic herbicides and pesticides have on human health, in the parts per billion range..
NICE JOB ANTHONY….. Thank you for being tireless… so is your support!!
Thank you Anthony! We need more people like you. Bringing the truth to light!
Just got an email from Delana Jones that there is good news and we have gained ground. More votes still need to be counted and she will keep me updated. Could be promising.
Alternative health consumers should adopt the tactics of the Washington political crowd. Continue bringing GMO labeling initiatives in one state after another until they grow weary and tired of funding these expensive PR campaigns.