1. blank Jacqueleen says:

    I’m praying that it puts Monsanto out of business and Bill Gates in a big whole.

  2. blank SibyllasStuff says:

    I doubt it would put Gates out of business – I am sure he will not keep money in places where it is not making money. It will be the average 401K stock portfolio that will suffer. I heard the US gov’t has stock in Monsanto. It is probably why former Monsanto lawyer Michael Taylor is now working at the governmental food safety regulation department. And Monsanto got a free pass from our president in the gov’t funding bill that they can’t be sued for harm. Nifty huh! Just like any other entity who makes a deal with the devil to do what they want.
    Have there been any recent developments with regards to finding out what is going on with “persistent contrails”, “geo-engineering”, “chemtrails”, – I listen to a tapie of a civic meeting in Shasta California where the local officials were actually listening to people from all walks of life and of expertise who spoke on the continuing drought in California, the increase in altzheimers and autism, and aerosol spraying of the airs – dropping aluminum, barium, chaff, and other nano particles from unmarked jets and creating sun-less days the blue skies becoming white and grey.
    Just asking.

  3. blank marcos anthony toledo says:

    If there is a god may it send fire and brimstone upon the fiends.

  4. Monsanto is HELL for the people and nature!!!!!!!
    Monsanto ìs the pesticide for humans!!!

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