Monsanto Asks World Health Organization to ‘Retract’ Cancer Link

Just days after the World Health Organization’s International Agency for Research on Cancer released a report publicly declaring the well-known link between Monsanto’s Roundup herbicide and cancer, the GMO leviathan is already calling on the entire agency to issue a ‘retraction.’
Recently, Monsanto’s Roundup herbicide – the most widely used and best-selling herbicide in the U.S. and one of the world’s most popular weed-killers – has been labeled a probable carcinogen by the International Agency for Research on Cancer. Now Monsanto is fighting that assessment.
As reported by The Lancet:
“In March, 2015, 17 experts from 11 countries met at the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC; Lyon, France) to assess the carcinogenicity of the organophosphate pesticides tetrachlorvinphos, parathion, malathion, diazinon, and glyphosate (table). These assessments will be published as volume 112 of the IARC Monographs.”
Instead of deciding to make the product safer, or even delving into the realm of the conclusion from the scientists that Roundup is ‘probably carcinogenic (cancer-causing) to humans,’ Monsanto instead stated that they ‘question’ the assessment.
“We question the quality of the assessment,”the vice president of global regulatory affairs for Monsanto, Philip Miller, stated in an interview. “The WHO has something to explain.”
I think Monsanto has something to explain. And so do many scientific experts around the globe.
“There are a number of independent, published manuscripts that clearly indicate that glyphosate … can promote cancer and tumor growth,” said Dave Schubert, from the cellular neurobiology laboratory at the Salk Institute for Biological Studies in La Jolla, California. “It should be banned.”
Numerous past studies have proposed what most of us have already surmised, that glyphosate – the main ingredient in Monsanto’s RoundUp – is utterly killing us. What’s more – it is causing damage in much smaller servings than the agriculture industry is dishing out in its common GMO and pesticide spraying practices.
With the already existing plethora of research pointing towards Roundup’s dangers, as well as this most recent assessment from the WHO, I think we have reason enough to find a better way to stop weeds.
Additional Sources:
Photo credit: Noah Berger, Bloomberg
If some one has face book, put the 3 bottom links into the top one. Thanx.
IARC misclassification of glyphosate as Group 2A
probable carcinogen
Glyphosate re-assessment in Europe is corrupt: Toxicology
European glyphosate reassessment is corrupt
Scandal of Glyphosate Re-assessment in Europe
Monsanto is The Evil Empire! They push GMO crops and poison on the world.
Mike Pompeo (R-Kan.) didn’t like the fact that consumer groups renamed
his bill to kill state GMO labeling laws the “Deny Americans the Right
to Know (DARK) Act.” So, in order to appear to be on the side of
consumers who want the right to know if their food contains GMOs, Pompeo
has reintroduced the bill, [LINK TO COME] with a new plan.
The new-and-improved (but really much worse)
DARK Act would still do what it set out to do—strip states of their
century-old rights to pass food labeling laws. But the bill now also
includes a scheme for a national, uniform standard for labeling products
non-GMO—a new program that would be overseen by the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA).
Really? Pompeo, a member of the Republican Party which
purports to stand for states’ rights and is allegedly anti-big
government, wants to create yet another federal government-run program?
This time, to certify non-GMO? We fail to see how that’s preferable to
just requiring food manufacturers to do what they already do in more
than 60 other countries—simply state whether or not their products
contain GMOS?
The DARK Act 2.0 was introduced on the heels of a
hearing held this week by the House Committee on Agriculture to, the
committee said, examine the “Cost and Impacts of States Implementing
Mandatory Biotechnology Labeling Laws.” During that hearing, industry
trotted out all of its talking points, including false claims that
labeling will cost food manufacturers millions of dollars, a cost
they’ll have to pass on to consumers. Never mind that study after study
has proven otherwise. That food manufacturers change their labels all
the time. And that in countries where GMO labeling is required, costs
have not been passed on to consumers.
Pompeo’s bill has nothing to do with protecting
consumer or states’ rights, and everything to do with protecting the
profits of those companies—like Monsanto and Coca-Cola—who have
essentially written this law. It’s an outrage. And we will do everything
in our power to stop it dead in its tracks.
Read the OCA press release
TAKE ACTION: Tell Your Representative: Support Consumer and States’ Rights. Reject Rep. Pompeo’s DARK Act!:
Biological impact of feeding rats with a genetically modified-based diet
This work was conducted in the context of post-marketing bio-safety assessment of genetically modified products. It presents a systematic approach based on a chronic toxicity study on Wistar albino rats, with a range of combined parameters including biochemical, histopathological, and cytogenetic to evaluate the negative impact of a genetically modified (GM) diet on animal health. Histopathological and biochemical analysis procedures were performed in the liver, kidney, and testis.
Cytogenetic analysis was evaluated in germ cells and the liver. The results revealed that the laboratory diet used in our investigation was proved experimentally, using the PCR assay, to contain genetically modified components without being labeled as such. The results of all parameters evaluated in our investigation were consistent and confirm that the GM diet fed to rats for 30, 60, or 90 days has deleterious histopathological and histochemical impacts. Biochemical alterations in
alanine aminotransferase, aspartate aminotransferase, creatinine, uric acid, and malondialdehyde concentrations were also observed. Genotoxicity of the GM diet was also demonstrated in germ cells as increased numbers of cells with chromosomal aberrations and in liver cells as increased ratios of DNA fragmentation. In conclusion, the results of the present work indicate that there are health hazards linked to the ingestion of diets containing genetically modified components.
Hanaa ORABY, Mahrousa KANDIL, Nermeen SHAFFIE, Inas GHALY
Turk J Biol
They have let them get away with it for over 20 years and now they are getting pressure from the whole world to expose how dangerous Roundup really is!
Monsanto can go F THEMSELVES! Lawsuits to eschew! My husband died from NHL and you bastards killed my husband!