1. Worthy info, thanks as always Paul! It’s always good to have these bits of info to stay healthy.

  2. blank Ag professor says:

    Have you ever asked, why did they start pasteurizing milk? They answer is because people got sick with some frequency from drinking raw milk. Below are some myths and facts about this.

    1. Myth: “They” started cooking milk, because people were getting sick. Fact: They started cooking milk, because it adds to the shelf life, adding profits to agri business.

  3. blank Ag professor says:

    Myths and Facts about Pasteurization
    Myth: Pasteurization reduces the nutritional value of milk.
    Fact: Sterilization of milk does break down some of the components of milk, but the actual effect on nutrition is considered marginal.
    Myth: Pasteurized milk causes lactose intolerance.
    Fact: Lactose is the natural sugar found in milk. Both raw and pasteurized milk contain lactose, and pasteurization does not change the levels of lactose. Raw milk advocates argue that raw milk contains Bifidobacteria, a probiotic (beneficial bacteria) that helps digest lactose. While raw milk may contain this probiotic, it results from contamination from animal feces and is not considered beneficial.
    Myth: Pasteurized milk causes allergies.
    Fact: Milk proteins that cause allergies are present in both raw and pasteurized milk. Pasteurization of milk does not introduce new allergies.
    Myth: Raw milk has natural microbe-killing properties.
    Fact: Enzymes in milk with antimicrobial properties include bacteriocins, lactoferrin, lactoperoxidase, lysozyme, and nisin. However, most milk enzymes survive pasteurization, but are broken down by stomach acids during digestion.Sources:
    Pasteurization. The A to Z. USFDA National Science Teachers Association
    The Dangers of Raw Milk. USFDA Center for Food Safety and Applied Nutrition.

  4. blank Laura Black Caprioni says:

    Another great potassium resource is coconut water!

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