1. After reading this article I can’t decide if I want a medium rare steak, roast chicken, barbecue chicken or pork chops. Decisions decisions.

  2. blank lifeisgood says:

    Meat-eating hmmm….boon or bane?

  3. The solution is not to stop eating beef nor chicken. The solution is to eat grass fed beef and free range chicken meat that is free of antibiotics, synthetic cancer causing estrogens, herbicides, etc. AND cook your meat SLOWLY so as to avoid generating heterocyclic amines. We cooked our 18 pound turkey for 12 hours at 200 degrees yesterday…………far moister and tasted fantastic!

    Time to stop buying into the NWO “meat is bad and unsustainable” garbage agenda, which is part of the greater control everything the serfs eat, drink and think.


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