1. Normally people think that all the green clean products are friendly to atmosphere as well as human health.Even i also think the same but this article really gives very vital information.Nice.

  2. This is really a great article as it is giving information about the cons of the green clean products to which normally people don't know it.

  3. blank Bcbossarte says:

    So sad that companies use to be sued for false advertising. Now it is the whistleblower that gets nailed and thrown in jail….. Pray for karma to their offspring.

  4. blank Prudently Green says:

    We as consumers need to also try to assume some accountability. We need to learn about the ingredients and then read them. Just yesterday I emailed a company asking the origin of their ingredients. They were, in fact, able to answer me. Of course I cannot be 100% sure that is the truth, but other factors make me comfortable enough that it is. I have found that the best way to show others about cleaning products is to simply use them. I make some of my own and buy others. People come into my home and see what might work for them. I will definitely be reposting this article though.

  5. blank MotherEarth says:

    Some of those same cleaning ingredients like formaldehyde, gluteraldehyde, and polysorbate 80 are also in vaccines and are considered "inert", as in the example of Pediarix, which we give to children from 6 months to 6 years of age (commonly known as DTaP-HepB-IPV). To me, this is outrageous! The government page regarding the hazards of formaldehyde alone is over 14 pages. And one of the biggest manufacturers of formaldehyde is a Big-Ag company that coming more and more into the spotlight these days. At last people are starting to get the fact that these companies do not necessarily have their best interests at "heart"…just the bottom line.

  6. There are a lot of so called green products that are processed with either unfriendly terms with the environment or with due material wastage. I believe that our food production is very compromised.

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