Magnesium and Diabetes | This Mineral Could Halt Diabetes

By: Anna Bernstein
Are you getting enough magnesium in your diet? If not, you may be putting yourself at risk for disease. There is actually a magnesium and diabetes connection, with research showing that magnesium may play an integral role in helping prevent type 2 diabetes.
Magnesium and Diabetes
A study led by Dr. Ka from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill has found a surprising relationship between magnesium and type 2 diabetes. The study discovered that individuals who ingested the highest amount of magnesium from foods and vitamin supplements slashed their risk of diabetes more so than those who consumed it in lower amounts.
During the study, researchers looked both at magnesium intake and diabetes risk in 4,497 people aged 18 to 30 years old. None of the participants were found to be diabetic in the study’s outset. Within a 20-year follow-up period, 330 of the subjects developed diabetes.
Individuals with the highest magnesium intake were 47 percent less likely to develop diabetes than others with the lowest intakes (average of 100 milligrams of magnesium per 1,000 calories).
Researchers noted, however, that larger clinical trials regarding the end results of magnesium therapy were needed to determine whether or not a causal relationship truly exists between magnesium and diabetes.
The final results of this study could explain why consumption of whole grain products, which are elevated in magnesium, is connected with lower diabetes risk. Although whole grain products can be a common source of magnesium, there are numerous other sources of magnesium to take into consideration.
Greens such as spinach are fantastic sources, due to the fact that the middle of the chlorophyll molecule (which provides vegetables their color) contains magnesium. Some legumes (beans and peas), seeds and nuts, and whole, unrefined grains are also good sources of magnesium.
The reasons as to why an increased intake of magnesium may lower the risk for developing type 2 diabetes vary among medical experts, but according to the National Institutes of Health, Magnesium plays an important role in carbohydrate metabolism. It may influence the release and activity of insulin, the hormone that helps command blood glucose (sugar) levels.
The lesson? Increasing magnesium intake may be essential for improving insulin sensitivity, reducing systemic inflammation, and decreasing diabetes risk.
So what are you waiting for? Begin to introduce more magnesium-rich foods into your diet!
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About the author: Anna Bernstein is writing for the Hypoglycemic Diet website, her personal hobby blog devoted to suggestions to help individuals to avoid Diabetes and enhance the awareness on healthy eating.
Thank you for your valuable and informative article. Here is a little more information that your readers may find interesting.
Magnesium plays a pivotal role in the secretion and function of insulin; without it, diabetes is inevitable. Measurable magnesium deficiency is common in diabetes and in many of its complications, including heart disease, eye damage, high blood pressure, and obesity. When the treatment of diabetes includes magnesium, these problems are prevented or minimized.
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One day it's NO grains,,, next day it's ALL grains,,,, will soneone please tell me who to believe?????!!!!
What is srt magnesium is a good source for information on how to process grains to make their mineral content, including magnesium, more available. Once there, type in "grains preparation" & then search & find what will help you. Beware, however, that many grains, such as wheat & its many gluten-containing relatives such as barley, rye, & some others, may be harmful for some people. I quit grains years ago, but grain grass pressed for its juice has no gluten. Good luck to you all in your searches.