Is ‘Glyphosate Drinker’ Patrick Moore a Monsanto Lobbyist?

Recently, Forbes (along with other online magazines) retracted the identification of Dr. Patrick Moore as a Monsanto lobbyist. But could Moore’s nose really be clean, or is he sniffing around GM/biotech company coffers like a dog in heat?
Newsweek presented Moore as a two-faced environmentalist with a short history of involvement with Greenpeace, but also as a man who went against all the activists who were sincerely challenging the actions of corporations committing environmental crimes.
We are supposed to believe that Moore’s ties to Monsanto should be overlooked – and if he is an environmentalist – then by all means GMOs are O.K.? I’m not so sure about that.
This is the same man that told a French TV journalist that you could “drink” glyphosate – that is until he was offered some in a glass to chug himself. A Monsanto representative told Newsweek in an email:
“Dr. Patrick Moore is not and never has been a paid lobbyist for Monsanto.”
Oh, of course, then we can take your word Monsanto, and leave this whole lobbyist accusation alone – not so fast!
Forbes recently used Moore’s ‘wrong title’ as a means to lash out against anti-GMOers, treating them as a bunch of tin-foil-heat-wearing buffoons, but why in the world would someone actually suggest you could drink glyphosate unless you were on the take for biotech?
Moore has a provable, indirect relationship with Monsanto.
Recently, an enthusiastic, Filipino anti-GMO network of farmers, scientists, and other NGO groups announced that they had managed to thwart ‘Allow Golden Rice Now!’ in its efforts to get the Philippine government to back GMO golden rice production.
The Allow Golden Rice Now! is a lobby group based in Canada. They heavily marketed this slogan in the Philippines from March 3-10 to campaign for the adoption of GM ‘Golden Rice.’ Who led the tour? None other than Patrick Moore. He even stopped in the Philippines to lobby the government there and hoped to influence India and Bangladesh to accept Golden Rice as well.
Study: Glyphosate in Monsanto’s Roundup Found in All Urine Samples Tested
Moore has repeatedly proselytized the supposed good of Monsanto, and anyone who champions Bill and Melinda Gates’ poster child for GM corruption – Golden Rice – is no doubt in the pro-GM lobby.
Specifically, Monsanto, Bayer and Syngenta are pushing the Golden Rice through Asia since they know these areas treat rice as a staple and they wish to dominate that market, and expand it elsewhere. It is argued that Golden Rice cultivation has absolutely nothing to do with “curing blindness,” and Filipino farmers know this. That is one of the reasons they are refusing the cultivation of this GM crop in their country.
Moreover, Moore has consulted for the Nuclear Energy Institute. He has worked for the mining industry, the logging industry, PVC manufacturers, the nuclear industry, and has tirelessly worked in defense of biotechnology. With ties like these – you can see clearly where Moore’s interests lie – with polluting corporate bullies.
Additionally, Moore is in fact called “the most brazen of the spin doctors” by many environmentalists.
Greenpeace even released a statement about Moore to that effect:
“Patrick Moore often misrepresents himself in the media as an environmental “expert” or even an “environmentalist,” while offering anti-environmental opinions on a wide range of issues and taking a distinctly anti-environmental stance. He also exploits long-gone ties with Greenpeace to sell himself as a speaker and pro-corporate spokesperson, usually taking positions that Greenpeace opposes.”
Is Moore a Monsanto lobbyist? You decide.
He’s a real piece of work!
I don’t know anything about him but the way you attack him without facts obviously means you aren’t thinking straight
The fact is this lackey said Glyphosate is safe to drink and then refused to drink it!
Where did you get your ‘informed’ ignorance?…from watching TV? ….back in the 1950’s the cancer rate was 1 : 64…now it’s 1: 3…thx to your GMO buddies…do the research…educate yourself from multiple sources …Mon$atan employee’s still refuse to eat any kind of GMO in their own cafeteria’s….or are you just another shill for BIG AG…or worse still …an allopathic negatively programmed Rockefeller minion that BELIEVES in their own B-S?….
Eddy, Don’t waste your time replying to these two trolls. They are paid extra if you engage them !