Ireland Allows Iconic Potato to be Genetically Modified
In a monumental move that signifies the truly terminal state of the international food supply, Ireland’s government officials have given the green light to begin genetically modifying the iconic potato. Met with severe resistance from both citizens, watchdog organizations, and political figures, the decision allows for the genetically modified potatoes to be planted within Ireland by the Irish food development authority Teagasc.
Starting off with a trial within the nation’s borders, Ireland’s Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has authorized Teagasc to plant the GMO crops throughout a two hectare land plot. While supports continue to assert that the relatively small size makes the process ‘safe,’ experts from within the Emerald Isle say otherwise. In response to the idea that starting the trial with a ‘small’ land plot is safe, The Organic Trust in Dublin explains that once you unleash genetically modified seeds into the environment, the consequences that may follow do not depend on how many acres of land is modified — only the fact that genetically modified seeds have been planted.
Spokesperson Gavin Lynch stated:
It is only a two hectare trial, but that’s like saying you’re only a little bit pregnant, there are no grey areas with GM…. Organic Trust calls on Teagasc not to act on the approval granted but to adhere to the wishes of the vast majority of Irish citizens not to pollute our precious land. Not one single solitary benefit will accrue to Ireland as a result of this trial. So why it is going ahead?”
The above stated is a valid question to which the answer may hide in previously leaked documents dating as far back as 2007. It was back in 2007 that WikiLeaks cables revealed a surprising threat made to nations who rejected GMO crops and biotechnology overall. As plainly stated by the United States ambassador to France and business partner to George W. Bush, Craig Stapleton, all nations that oppose GMOs will be hit with calibrated ‘target retaliation’ and ‘military-style trade wars’.
Stapleton even goes on to specifically state that many European nations are culprits of such anti-GMO activity and should therefore be hit with such target retaliation. In other words, it is becoming more and more apparent that political incentives and even political threats appear to play a much greater role in the establishment of genetically modified crops and subsequent trials than public opinion. And until the public utilizes serious political activism and peacefully demands change from their representatives on a major scale, such political corruption will continue to ultimately influence decisions that affect your daily life.
I cannot believe this. Ireland should be the one country on this planet that understands the dangers of potato blight. They have experienced first hand the horrors that come from multiple governments greedy attempts to monopolize food production and consumption.
The Irish citizens need to stand up and stop this before the entire food supply is poisoned for good.
What good Catholic would poison their kids with this?
I'm appalled that the Irish should allow GM crops to pollute the sacred Emerald Isle. However in some ways I'm not surprised; the Irish have shown no backbone in recent times, especially over financial matters relating to the eurozone and their EU membership. They seem to be little more than whipped dogs these days, unable or unwilling to resist anything that the powers-that-be throw at them. Just remind me to avoid buying any potatoes that come from Ireland.
I'm also irish and a student, and ironically I agree with Brian here and yourself CDR ^ , I've been politically active the last year , attended many protests and I was/currently am involved in Campaigns against ACTA/SOPA and the Household charge campaign. The irish people are changing and we are begining to resist Austerity & Corruption but we are quite behined the rest of Europe, we're like the U.S.A , in terms of our population size. Our people are asleep but begining to wake up like the Occupy Movement in the United States. Just to give a glimpse of Hope to humanity about the demoralized irish, but times are changing 😉
We here in the United States are watching you and your Irish country. My ancestry is Irish also. I am praying for you and your country that you will fight against Austerity and GMO products and your Irish soul of fight or die will once again be revived to fight again. I was solely disappointed that your country took the austerity package that the evil banksters handed you. I was hoping that you would turn them down and go back to your own currency like Iceland did. I also pray for the United States and all nations around the world. We are all under attack by evil and we must win this battle.
Ireland is very Corrupt my friend :L The world has this image that the irish are all these old fashioned farmers on a little island because our first president wanted to portray this image when he visited the USA after our independence from Britain. We practically are the same as the USA , but we've been quite Apathetic durring the economic boom years (1995-2006) but we're begining to wake up, slowly, give us 3 years and we will be were the spanish are, give us 5 and we'll be were the Greeks are 😛
Who is still eating potatoes, GM or organic? Science has moved ahead of the 1970s false dogma given out by the totally corrupted dieticians and ignorant docs.
Pots. are high in carbs that fatten and raise heart disease-causing triglycerides.
They are high in the solanine glyco-alkaloids that CAUSE arthritis, belonging to the family of the atropa belladonna, the deadly nightshade. US Agric. dept. Study 1974
They are high in phloridzin, an allergen that inflames the brain's pituatary, unless rolling boiled for 5 minutes or more. Degraded parts of the inflamed organ circulate, join-up with other specific degraded parts and form the cancer nucleus, necessary to start and fuel ALL malignancies. Clark HR PhD ND 2007.
The fact that docs and dieticians dont 'recognise' any of this. does not invalidate the science.
Ahhh! The deadly "nightshades" raises its ugly head again. One (1) doctor in the entire world, living in Florida, started this nightshade hoax to promote his own diet plan that failed miserably. What a crock. If you are so enamored by 1974 science, go back in your exploding Pinto time machine and listen to them talk about how agent orange is not cancer causing and DDT is safe for topical skin use. Oh, and let's not forget that they just finished building the World Trade Center – fully insulated with asbestos!
I have a half dozen close Irish relatives who lived past 98 (Oldest was 106) and they ate potatoes every day, often twice a day their entire lives.
OMG, are you serious? Carbs are not the enemy, animal products are. Where the hell did you learn nutrition?
I do not eat white potatoes (or French fries), so I do not care. Sweet potatoes; now that's a different story.
If these GMO potatoes are insect and disease resistant, and require less pesticide, then that might be a good thing.
The potatoes grown in Ireland have already been substantially "modified" from what was originally found in South America.
The likes of Monsanto want to patent the food supply of the world. This is part of the control giant corporations want to have on people and nature. It is destroying the integrity of the natural order. GMOs are an insult to the genetic integrity of the natural world. They are so far removed from anything we want in our food supply. You need to seriously learn what is going on.
The government are not going to stop monsanto, the people must do it TOGETHER
please look and read
Monsanto also brought you DDT and Agent Orange, and are responsible for spraying roundup in our atmosphere, killing natural bees and creating their own GM bees – despicable behavior, even for a heartless corporation.
They know exactly what they’re doing, make no mistake.