1. What about aliminium Liz?? Why only half teh pix?

    restaurants, commercial food manufacturers, home cooks and even celeb chefs unknowingly poison. Govts. are concerned about the poor health of the public, but fail to warn.

    Aluminum, Al is implicated in neurofibrillary tangles, NFT, ie the death of the neuron in the brain, that leading to dementia, Alzheimers, and seizures. The science shows that Al. plays a role in NFT formation by acting on the tau protein, the major component of NFTs.

    Studies associate Al with abnormal fetal neurologilcal development, then in the growing child, Al is associated with bone deformation, as the bone growth is disrupted.

    In the adult, as well as the effects on the brain, there is difficulty in fracture healing, immune suppresion, muscle weakness

    chronic fatigue, and pain in the bones.

    Studies also confirm confirm that high doses of Al induce toxic effects and damage the lysosomes in the liver, the spleen and the kidneys.

    And what about B complex vitamins, (The Journal of Optimum Nutrition), or the egg yolk with its phosphatysil serine and ph. choline?

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