1. blank SageThinker says:

    Glyphosate inhibits bacteria growth and health by interrupting the shikimic acid pathway in most microbes, and it is a known fact that primary pathogenic bacteria like Pseudomonas are 50 to 100 times more resistant to glyphosate than many of the beneficial bacteria. This alone is a problem. The amounts that we see in food, around 1 mg / kg, is very likely having a cumulative effect over time on our gut bacteria. That is 1000 micrograms per kilogram of foods like soybeans, maize, and even wheat as many wheat crops are sprayed before planting or near the end as a pre-harvest application. So we are getting chronic exposure to this chemical which most likely changes the population balance of our gut microbiome.

    1. blank michaelchristoff says:

      Once again, well put, Sage thinker.

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