Home Remedies for Sinus Infection – Natural Sinus Infection Treatment

Sinus infections seem to be extremely prevalent, with an estimated 29.8 million adults suffering from sinusitis in 2010 (and that figure does not include children). What’s more, many individuals who experience sinus infections seem to suffer from the health issue repeatedly as years go by. Not surprisingly, antibiotics are prescribed all too often for this condition – with around 20% of all antibiotic prescriptions going toward sinus infection treatment.
In addition, antibiotics have been prescribed for roughly 80 percent of acute sinus infections and nearly 70 percent of chronic sinus infections in past years. Not only has research shown some antibiotics to be ineffective at treating sinus infections, but this quick fix is also causing numerous antibiotic-related health issues to surface. It is time to bypass the treatments offered by mainstream medical experts, and engage in some natural home remedies for sinus infection.
4 Home Remedies for Sinus Infection Treatment
- 1. Apple Cider Vinegar – Apple cider vinegar is a hailed sinus infection treatment. Being just one of many apple cider vinegar uses, countless individuals attest to the effectiveness of apple cider vinegar against a multitude of health conditions, including sinus infection. One of the most powerful ways to use ACV is to mix 8oz of warm water with 2 tbsp of ACV and 1 tbsp of honey. The sinus infection could vanish within just a few days. Another option when taking apple cider vinegar is to simply take 1 tablespoon 3 times daily, whether diluted to ingest throughout the day or made to ingest quickly. Lastly, you can also try steaming with apple cider vinegar; mix ~1/2 cup of ACV with 1/2 of water, heat it on the stove, and inhale the steam with mouth and eyes closed. I recommend using organic ACV over non-organic.
- 2.
Turmeric – Thanks to a powerful compound found inturmeric known as curcumin,turmeric possesses powerful health benefits. Among the health benefits ofturmeric is the spice’s ability to treat sinus infection. Curcumin helps to heal the sinus cavity and clear the airways. Since sinus infections are caused by nasal inflammation, andturmeric possesses anti-inflammatory properties, the spice can be seen as one of the existing natural cures for sinus infection. - 3. Nasal Saline Rinse – While the above remedies may suffice, a nasal saline rinse is also a very popular sinus infection treatment to store in your home remedies memory bank. For the mixture, you could try mixing ~1/4 teaspoon of sea salt or pickling salt with a pinch of baking soda and a cap-full of food grade hydrogen peroxide in 1 cup of warm water or simply use sea salt/pickling salt and warm water. If you have never done a nasal irrigation, or saline rinse before, ask someone who has for assistance or try following detailed directions. It may not be the most comfortable of solutions, but a nasal saline rinse seems to continuously be passed down as one of the more effective home remedies for sinus infection.
- 4. Oregano Oil – While it may not be the most accessible of the home remedies for sinus infection, oregano oil can be an effective sinus infection treatment. Not only could you simply ingest the oregano oil, but the oil can also be steamed and inhaled over a stove (with eyes closed). In addition to being a potential treatment for sinus infection, oregano oil benefits may also help to improve digestion, aid in fighting infections, and improve biological function – especially in the liver and colon.
In addition to the above home remedies for sinus infection treatment, you could try utilizing some of these options.
- Elevate your head while sleeping.
- Apply warm compresses to your face multiple times daily for 5 minutes each.
- Vitamin C is an excellent immune booster, and can help to fend off sinus infections. Try taking up to 1000 mg of vitamin C 1-3 times daily.
- Drink got liquids to help moisturize your mucous membranes and to help wash away mucus out of your sinuses more quickly.
- Clean your house and especially your bedroom. Using a HEPA filter air purifier will also be beneficial.
Please comment and share your personal experiences below. Tell everyone what has and hasn’t worked for you, as well as your own natural solutions.
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with the saline rinse id advise to use distilled or reverse osmosis water in the nose,as lately theres reports of brain eating ameobas in fresh water,from people swimming in fresh water and getting water in their nose.
I had chronic sinusitis for several years and tried all mentioned remedies to no avail. Saline nasal rinse seemed to help and did it daily but never cured. Then one day I happened to get lots of sun – next day was cured. Why? Vitamin D I suspect. Since then I sunbathe on a regular basis and use sunlites in winter. Sinuses are perfect. Also, oral vitamin D didn’t seem as effective as the D made by my own body.
I can attest to the possible success of the nasal irrigation (using distilled water). In addition, I watch my diet carefully, I use a HEPA filter in my bedroom, have raised the head of my bed, have increased my vitamin C to 2000 iu's, and use a humidifier while I sleep. Before this, I had so many chronic sinus infections and, for me, accompanying migraines that I was on medication 3-5 months out of the year. Since I started this regimen I'll have maybe one infection a year that is easily quelled by doing the nasal rinse more than once a day. My eternal gratitude goes to the physician's assistant who recommended it.
What you said is so right, we need to help the body balance things at times and a humidifier is a great way to increase the risks of getting so many sinusitis attacks per year. It is so irritating to be the one who is always so sick throughout the year. You miss out on so many great moments that only come once in a life time. So my point is that I’m 100% in love with humidifiers because they keep the environment just right at all times and they save you from becoming a nasal spray addict.
I will try it
The article did not specify whether to use organic or regular ACV. Does it matter?
Dawn, the article says to use Organic ACV in the last sentence if the the paragraph.
Organic is the best, especially Braggs ACV with the mother in it. 🙂
How does one take the turmeric and in what quantity?
just buy it as supplement in capsules or better yet add it as a spice and add it to your food – it doesn't taste too great, it's like a slightly bitter / curry taste, but if you don't mind the taste it's cheaper to buy it as a spice and its safe to add to your meals
Anyone know if Tumeric Tea is helpful?
I agree on that the turmeric is really helps with your sinusitis, which is the spice of these is helping to loosen the inflammation part of your sinus. Thanks…
I have terrible sinus please how to go about with turmeric
I would get a few sinus infections a year, and when I went off of Synthroid and started on Naturethroid, no sinus infections for 2 yrs!
I’m on Synthroid and have gotten sinus infections every year since. Never even thought there was a connection! I will def look into other options now!
Is that for your thyroid? and does it help your sinuses?
Ha! I was just at my endo's office today telling her I have had a sinus infection ever since she insisted on reducing my thyroid medicine. My levels were w/in range but my TSH was a wee bit low. She insisted that the fact my TSH is up and Free's are down would not prevent a sinus infection from clearing up. I told her she was entitled to her opinion and I was entitled to mine and that I wanted my Cytomel dose increased immediately.
I had tried Indian turmeric tea often for my light sinus problems and found it very effective. It will be fast in clearing my stuffiness, but it dries my mouth a bit. Tried it before going to sleep, it will not keep you awake like other medicine.
what is naturethroid? how do you get it? can you buy it over the counter?
Naturethroid is a prescriptoin thyroid hormone replacement.
I have bright yellow-orange nasal discharge– I guess i have an infection– I don t want antibiotics- so i'll try acv- thanks
Coconut, especially its oil, although any coconut is effective at clearing viruses within a few hours. Olive leaf extract is also beneficial. If coconut, olive leaf extract, and oregano oil, are taken in combination then the effect is rapid. Excellent too at ridding colds or influenza in a few in hours around 5 so no requirement for the flu-jab. Try it and be surprised and impressed.
What’s the amount of these to be taken?
Do I use equal parts of each?
I have a sinus infection now it went away and came back .. I have the coconut oil … can I fine the other 2 stuff at walmart since thats the only BIG store we have here .. and then what do I do with this .. Do I put it inmy food or what ?
I've tried pretty much everything except the Apple Cider Vinegar, Turmeric & the Oregano Oil. I'm leaning towards the Vinegar, we'll see what happens.
Are you suppose to drink the ACV and honey?
My flu was winning, the doctors take your money and may not give you antibiotics, couldn't afford an ER visit so…. I read that real honey is anti-viral. Tried it successfully to end this bug.
I have a horrible sinus infection I have missed three days if school and ill try them thank you f
This the way you just did.I’m really impressed that there’s so much about this subject that’s been uncovered and you did it so well, with so much class. Good one you, man ! Really great stuff her.
Oil if oregano is wonderful also when you feel a fever blister coming on. We mix it with a little canola or olive oil and rub on the spot that feels like a cold sore coming. Works better than Abreva.
I tried the apple cider vinegar last night – both breathing in the steam and drinking 2 tablespoons with the honey in tea. I feel 100x's better this morning!!!!! I can't believe how much it helped. I will continue this for a few days. Thank you for the great suggestions!!!
Thanks for providing life saving home remedies for the sinus treatment. The article is wonderful to help one suffering from this problem. Thanks again.
hi ive had a sinus infection for the last 6 weeks tried everything .apple cider vinegar. nasal rinse .hydrogen peroxide tea tree oil decongestant sprays, colloidal silver ,apart from the decongestants all the others did was completely block my sinuses. I was just about to give up then tried this combination, a.tablespoon each of coconut oil. turmeric powder.cayenne powder, 8 cloves fresh garlic 1 onion some fresh ginger , all cooked on low heat in a frying pan then mixed with some vegies or chicken,after eating this for 2 days I went a whole night without having to use the decongestant, after the third day my nose was completely unblocked ive suffered with sinus problems for the last twenty years ,not only did this work but I also read this week that in a recent study turmeric was found to have been as effective as Prozac in the treatment for depression ,lt doesn't taste the greatest but for me its been a godsend ,not sure if its one particular ingredient but didn't have the time to experiment
do not use tap water for the saline rinse- if you do, use water that has been boiled for 10 minutes. buy distilled.
I heard someone got an infection from tap water. Agree with the remedies, however if I took that amount of vit C it would act as a laxitive. Oregano oil: tried it, caused stomach upset. I use ginger, tumeric and low dos C, natural vinegar and saline spray.
When I get a sinus infection, I get a roaring headache that makes dieing sound good. Does anyone else? I’ve found that if I catch it early and use these remedies, I can get better but once it is full blown and booming, only antibiotics seem to kick it back. Should I try to tough it out on natural cures? My doc prescribed pain killers but they only make me nauseous and really don’t touch the pain.
Can’t speak for the infection, I’ve been getting them a lot over the years but it never even occurred to me to see a doctor but I have a high threshold for pain. ASFA the pain meds go, take half of the dose they give you and see how that goes next time. I really never understood why anyone would want to do those drugs for recreation because they always made me sick too but then I realized I didn’t have to follow directions and tried less, it was a lot better. Doctors r really should mention people have very different sensitivities to pain meds.
Those things are good for you too but Oil of Oregano, (70% cavrocrol) has worked quickly for me each time since I discovered it. I read it is a natural antibiotic.
Thank you forthe post, the Cider Vinegar is awesome. Cheap and works perfect.
I have had the neti pot do great things for me, as well as garlic and olive leaf extract. Things that seemed to do nothing include echinacea, tea, cucurmin (turmeric), and cranberry juice for kidneys. Even if only one thing in 5 that I try works, I keep adding to my arsenal. I like the idea of working with my body to regain balance instead of hiding symptoms or trying to kill every last enemy germ.
Can you please tell me where to get a netI pot . I’m having severe sinus pain from three days plus fever . Steam doesn’t work for me. It will be so kind of you .
How many times per day should the ACV drink be taken?
Don’t take antibiotics for anything unless it’s life threatening. I took them all through my childhood because of sinus infections and acne (because I didn’t know any better) particularly erythromycin, which is known to create a perfect environment for candida, which it did. I now have fungal infections all over my body that now matter what I take, natural or pharmaceutical, won’t go away Definitely try everything before taking antibiotics.
Standard process’s Spanish black radish will kill that fungal problem. It can go faster in combination with no sugar or flour diet
Numerous people have cured their long term candida by going on a “Banana Island” stretch of 10-21 days! I’m currently on the regime. Look it up 🙂
As a surfer I know all too well the benefits – and occasional risks – of an inadvertent saline rinse of the sinuses. When the ocean is clean, the inevitable blast of seawater up the schnozzola has therapeutic effects. But when it’s not so clean, a gnarly infection can result, and what I’ve found is that a blast of high concentrate colloidal silver up the honker does the trick. What’s key is to get at least 250ppm concentrate, or better yet 500ppm. My local health food chain has a wide variety of concentrates starting at 10ppm, which is basically useless. Spend a little more and you won’t be throwing your money away. Kawabunga!!! 😉
I had a severe earache for two days, and after trying many different home remedies to no avail, apple cider vinegar was the cure. I put three drops in my ear and let it stay for about five minutes then drained it. I went to sleep with a heating pad on my ear and woke up this morning with no earache at all.
Thank you forthe post
I am a mom of 2 kids who are suffering from the flu. I have
been searching for natural remedies to help cure their sickness. These are
really great remedies that I have tried on my kids and they really work.
I made this mixture and put it in an omelet, tasted great and helped clear out the ol’ schnoz! Thanks for the recommendation.
I was diagnosed with nasal polyps in both nostrils. I drank a half cup of warm milk with some turmeric in it and a little sugar every night. One month later the ENT told me that the polyps were gone and what had I done to get rid of them. I told him that the steroid he had prescribed caused me to have panic attacks and that I stopped using it (after only one week) and about the turmeric. It is a miraculous and old remedy, completely natural and without any side effects.
I tried everything (including colloidal silver, D3, a prescription of Cefdinir, 1 1/2% hydrogen peroxide, etc.) for my sinus infection that lasted almost six weeks. The peroxide and the colloidal silver did make a bigger difference than the doctor’s antibiotic but none of the above completely took care of it. I finally read about Oil of Oregano. I noticed that it can even be used as a spray in the sinuses and also for the lungs. I added a few drops of essential oil of oregano into a new saline spray bottle and inhaled. I realized that it was too strong to spray in the sinuses. After further reducing it and spraying in the nose, I knew I FINALLY found something that really worked. When I went to sleep four hours later, the infection was completely gone.
I take Oil of Oregano in a tablet at the first sign of a cold or sinus infection. Has stopped both completely. It is amazing!!!!! Just do it. Amazing.
How many times per day should the ACV drink be taken?