Hillary Clinton’s Support for GMOs and GMO Labeling Confirmed… Or is It?

Hillary Clinton has been seen numerous times cheerleading for biotech, genetically modified foods and crops, and GMO labeling at the same time. But as with any politician, it really just depends what time it is and who is listening at the time.
Hillary Clinton Attends BIO International Convention in 2014
Clinton attended the BIO International Convention on June 25, 2014 and leaked press snippets to confirm what most sustainable food movement supporters already know: she’s pro-GMO much like the other major political candidates that have been bought out by biotech.
At the San Diego convention, basically a promotional stop for all things biotech, she spoke for 65 minutes on the importance of GMO – despite the fact that she and her husband and former president have Celiac’s disease, which GE foods have been linked to (along with digestive issues).
Read: Scientists Signing onto GMO Dangers by Hundreds
“Maybe there’s a way of getting a representative group of actors at the table” to discuss how the federal government could help the Biotech industry with “insurance against risk,” she said.
Meanwhile, our government has already written a blank check to the biotech industry for GMO corn to make heaps of ethanol and to support our fast-food nation, as well as for soy, sugar beets, rice, and other staple foods.
Clinton also remarked that the benefits of GMOs should be better explained in order to counteract the massive grassroots tide against the lab-created crops, saying that “Frankensteinish” depictions should be met with a stronger, more positive spin from GMO companies.
“I stand in favor of using seeds and products that have a proven track record. There’s a big gap between the facts and what the perceptions are,” on Biotech, she added, mentioning her efforts to support drought-resistant seeds as Secretary of State.
With speaking fees coming from biotech-supported institutions starting at $350,000, most people with eyes to see already knew Clinton was supporting companies like Monsanto, Dow, and Syngenta. As more people follow this money trail, she is under increasing pressure as revelations regarding her ties to Monsanto and the Biotech Industry become more popularly-understood.
Dave Murphy, Founder of Food Democracy Now, reportedly stated:
“This is an outrage! $21 Million for speeches to the big banks etc., revealed on CNN today, of which at least $335,000 from Monsanto and friends?”
According to an Organic Consumers Association report on the keynote address, Hillary Clinton received a “standing ovation” for her encouraging advice on how to get more people to like GMOs.
An Endorsement from Bill and Melinda
Hillary Clinton also received an endorsement from none other than the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation for supporting a genetically modified food supply.
The Gates’ Foundation has a history of propping up ‘powerful people’ like Hillary.
Gates owns millions of shares of Monsanto and Cargill stock, and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation continues to scoop it up. He owns more than $23 million worth, or $500,000, of Monsanto shares. Read more about how Monsanto and Hillary Clinton may have ties here.
Clinton Claims to Support GMO Labeling
As mentioned, the ‘bride of frankenfood’ is also in favor of GMO labeling. Or does she?
“Hillary Clinton’s position has not changed. She has been supportive of GMO labeling,” Josh Schwerin, a spokesperson for her presidential campaign, reportedly told MapLight.
But Clinton strongly opposed a bill passed by Congress that would have implemented a national labeling standard, while prohibiting states from instituting their own stricter GMO labeling rules.
Here is a short bout of Hillary talking GMOs in the past:
But Labeling Support Sometimes Falls Silent
Marianne Williamson – writer, activist, and minister – wrote a 2014 open letter to presidential candidate Hillary Clinton.
Williamson says very succinctly at the end of her open letter:
“I want you to rail against the chemical companies and their GMO’s — not support them. I want you to decry the military industrial complex — not assure them you’re their girl. I want you to support reinstating Glass-Steagall — not just wink at Wall Street while sipping its champagne. In short, I want you to name the real problems so we can trust you’d provide some real solutions.”
As far as I know, Williamson received no public response.
Is anyone surprised?
Its not just Gates and Monsanto financing her ($25 million from Gates) – She is also supported by %$&£! such as Ted Danson & Morgan Freeman.