Gwyneth Paltrow Joins Fight Against ‘DARK Act’ GMO Labeling Ban

Gwyneth Paltrow has teamed up with a number of activist-centered celebrities to join in the fight against the ‘DARK Act’ — the new bill passed by the House that would ban mandatory GMO labeling in the United States.
Joining the fight to know what we’re putting in our mouths, Paltrow recently ventured to Washington, D.C. to discuss mandatory GMO labeling with lawmakers. As People magazine reports, Paltrow’s goal was to “push for mandatory genetically modified organism (commonly knowns as GMO) labeling on food products.”
She also has some big plans to help generate support against the Monsanto-supported ‘DARK Act’, writing on Facebook:
“Next week I am going to DC to speak with members of the Senate about voting against a law that would let genetically modified organisms into our food supply without any labels! ….The evidence suggests that GMO’s are an environmental disaster, both in the long term and in the short. But I am not asking you to weigh in on whether they are good or bad. We just want a label! We have a right to know what is in our food like the 64 other countries who label or don’t allow GMO’s at all.”
And she’s right.
Paltrow’s public opposition comes as the DARK Act continues to become a national issue, rising to be among the most talked about social media issues in the country despite very limited mainstream media coverage. In fact, it was only a few weeks ago when it seemed virtually no one was aware of the ‘DARK Act’ (officially titled ‘Safe and Accurate Food Labeling Act’) when it blitzed through the House of Representatives.
I was even surprised to see how few knew about the bill when I released my article entitled ‘House Votes to BAN GMO Labeling TODAY Under DARK Act,’ which quickly generated 40,000 shares on Facebook from concerned readers.
I salute Gwyneth Paltrow, and am glad to see that she is joining the opposition to the ‘DARK Act,’ which would only serve the interests of mega lobbying groups, Monsanto, and the processed food industry at large. The truth is that, going beyond the scientific debate of the short term effects, the most basic concept of GMO labeling should not be made illegal.
Right after Paltrow speaks maybe we can get Jenny McCarthy to tells us about how vaccines are dangerous. So nice to have celebrities to give us all this information rather then educated professionals with backgrounds in the relevant fields.
So doe this mean the turnip brained beauty isn’t going to have Barry over any more?
Not only is Gwenyth Paltrow a well known actress, but she is a CONCERNED AND CARING Human Being who is doing the RIGHT, ETHICAL and HONEST thing. She is doing her duty as ALL Americans should be doing. She is fighting a possible HORRIBLE Decision by the Senate that is going to POISON Americans.