1. Hey mike, how much do you know about Monsanto? Doesn't sound like you understand exactly the negative effects their products have. Replacing one evil with another evil isn't a good idea. Maybe plants you eat aren't supposed to be drenched in poison.

    1. for centuries, man grew food, cultivated, herded and was healthier, w/o all that chemicalcrap–now? increased memory issues, increased kidney failure, GI issues…..hmm???connection?

      1. when people hearded cattle we all lived in tents get real. I ll give you a choice a cup of chemical isnecticide (a nerve poison similar to seren gas) and a cup of GM corn grain with Bt in it (bt is also used in organic farming – now what would you chose? Good luck if you don't chose the Bt corn – that is the choice that most farmers have Bt crops are far better than the only real alternative

    2. I know a lot of Monsanto employees and I can tell you not one would work for them if they thought their products were harmful

  2. blank krispynoodlez says:

    Mike Why would you want to eat artificially enhanced veggies drenched in weed killer. Yuck!

    And oh yeah those farmers pay, they know they'll be locked up in penitentiaries if they don't, especially after Monsanto has illegally infiltrated their fields with their copyrighted biocrop.

    You should get out more Mike, the real world is waiting for you.

    1. Farmers don't get sued if they accidently get the seed in their field this is why a federal court judge threw out the suit brought by organic farmers. There is no history of Monsanto doing this. Also there are close to 200 corn seed companies in the US farmers have a choice. If they want low yielding crap seed they go to those that provide that seed. also dupont sells the same amount of gm seed as Monsanto but you don't complain about them. Alos Syngenta sells the same seed and ven makes more money from chemical insecticides and long lived EU banned atrazine – you are the one who needs to get out

  3. Just as some people are allergic to peanuts, I am allergic to the Bt-toxin. The combination of Bt-toxin and glyphosate in the foods I was eating almost killed me until I found out what they were doing to me. I went non-GMO and in 4 months I saw my doctor who saw my lab reports and said that I no longer needed all the meds I was taking. I had regained my health. I told my dad and he recovered. But it was too late to save my oldest son who died. He was eating fast-food between his two jobs and most fast food is loaded with GMOs. All the doctors he saw had no idea what was killing him.

    1. great recovery/success story!

    2. I don't believe you – if you truely were allergic to gm foods (i am not sure how you would know)then you should sue. Corn and soy Gm crops are not more allergnic due to GM but corn and soy do have allergens in them and those allergens are not higher. Again I don't believe your story. what did you eliminate and what makes you think it was the GM component?

  4. blank monstersanto sucks says:

    mike is a monsanto troll so pay no attention to him. he will try to lead you off topic. no one anywhere could be that stupid, or pro monsanto and still be alive.

  5. Good work. Now lets shut them down forever!

  6. blank organic dream says:

    This is happy news, way to go California. you make me very happy, lets have some fun this summer and exposed the evil monsters Monsanto and all the stupid dork sticks that work for them, go get real job and stop killing mother earth.

    Bush song "destroy the world that we took so long to make"

  7. Agent Orange never killed anybody! What's the big deal? Right Mike!

    1. Todays Monsanto didn't make agent orange – you realize that don't you?

  8. blank Doug Thomas says:

    Congratulations Steve Payan & protesters….we need more like you the world over….!!! This great world is now becoming a better place.

    Best rgds,

    Doug Thomas

    New Zealand

  9. Monsanto began as a seed co. Then it added other features to its products trying to raise food production. It began as a good co. But it turned to the dark side. Itsgmo crops now contain the Superstax genomes. These genomes train the corn. Soybean and other crops how toma.ufacture the Bt pesticide inside the very corn cells that we eat. Monsanto now knows that the pesticides are grown by the cells in my very own intestines. They said it could never happen.

    If monsanto would deign to provide us with an antidote to their poisons, would that make things better? Discuss among ourselves.

    1. what makes you think "

      Monsanto now knows that the pesticides are grown by the cells in my very own intestines. "

      Bt protien has been considered by the USDA, EPA and FDA as so safe there is safety limit e.g. there is no specific high level that is toxic to people. That's is why it is used in organic farming although the GM Bt is purer. the organic farmers use a crude mix of bacterial extract

  10. Good going, keep the pressure up, Hudge and Gudge have been in buisness for yrs…

  11. blank santa singe says:

    terminate the seeds for next harvest is great stopping of natural circle with poison is like multiplying poison ,it is sinister business with chemical,eliminating whole human race just for controling whole universe like finance companies for every purpose ,customer need finance and keep them working for entire life,it is good trick,

    1. keep smoking the joints…….you know the saying an infinite number of monkeys

  12. Any protest against Monsanto has my full support and I am sure the support of many thousands in other countries that know of the Monsanto products. In addition to GM seeds they also produced Agent Orange of which 80 million litres were used on Vietnam for a period of ten-years resulting in the deaths of many thousands and today leaving near to four million suffering from its effects.

    Readers wishing to know mofre can go to: http://www.aoag.org


  14. blank gregfullmoon says:

    Hiya this petition on Avaaz to strip Monsanto’s Robert Fraley’s 2013World Food Prize. Fraley developed Roundup Ready Soy, and is the reason he was awarded the prize. Please share the petition on your networks, email to friends, make it go everywhere..

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